spraymax 2k clear coat instructions
spraymax 2k clear coat instructions
(400 ml) Lays out great. It made my bumper look like it was freshly painted from the factory. 0000602591 00000 n No reviews. endstream endobj startxref 0000585911 00000 n (1) SprayMax 3680061, 2K Urethane Glamour Clear Coat, Aerosol Subscribe for more! In this video we're discussing some of the most frequently ask Quality product although one can was damaged in shipping, sure beats mixing a gun of clear for small jobs! 0000006795 00000 n It has excellent leveling characteristics and can be SprayMax 3680067, 2K Satin Clear Coat, Aerosol Product expires approximately 36 months after the manufacturer date on the can Once activated, the potlife is apprximately 48 hours The SprayMax SprayMax 3680065, 2K Matte Clear Coat, Aerosol Product expires approximately 36 months after the manufacturer date on the can Once activated, the potlife is apprximately 48 hours The SprayMax Prime PCX-25, HS Universal Clearcoat (1) SprayMax 3680061, 2K Urethane Glamour Clear Coat, Aerosol An advanced 2K Clearcoat, that gives a durable, diamond hard, high gloss finish with the convenience of an aerosol. 0000654550 00000 n We know your reputation matters and thats why U-POL is investing in future innovation, to help your team get it right first time, every time. Surface PreparationPrimer / Primer Filler, Surface Preparation Primer / Primer FillerBody filler, Primer / Primer Filler Body fillerFillers, Body filler FillersBase Coats and Top Coats, Fillers Base Coats and Top CoatsTop Coats, Base Coats and Top Coats Top CoatsClear Coats and Spot Blender, Top Coats Clear Coats and Spot BlenderAccessories. Aerosol Repair Kit The Prime HS-98, Imperial Gloss Clearcoat deliver a High Quality European Style Gloss Finish. Here is a new product Im trying out for the first time, spray max 2k clear in a can! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Spray Max 2K High Gloss Finish Clear Coat Spray Paint . The other paints went on super. 0000009509 00000 n 0000426381 00000 n Pour in about 3 oz of paint thinner, shake your gun and pour it out into the can. 2K clear coat with very high chemical, gasoline, and weather resistance for high-quality and long-term sealing of repair paint jobs and new paint jobs on cars and motorcycles. Spray distance / spray coats combination. PREMIUM AEROSOLS. endstream endobj 174 0 obj <>stream cars and motorcycles. An amps and cabs re-housing, repurposing and building saga, Looking for 1/16 black garolite, need a place that will ship to Canada. Here's how to apply it correctly.This video is part of a series on how to paint your guitar, see the rest here:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH6eWzz4skg5dLwjJ1KrvUzQFIpcmeHycPlease like and subscribe, hit that bell, and if you want you can:Contact me:info@DevilAndSons.GuitarsOrder a guitar or customisation:www.DevilAndSons.GuitarsBuy some merch:https://www.devilandsons.guitars/shop/merchFollow on socials:www.facebook.com/DevilAndSonswww.instagram.com/DevilAndSonswww.twitter.com/DevilAndSonswww.youtube.com/DevilAndSons#guitarslikenoother #spraymax2k #guitarfinishing JavaScript is disabled. Spray Max offers a higher yield, a faster spray time, and a wider more even spray pattern than your standard conventional aerosol spraycan. SprayMax 2K Clear coat gloss 400 ml . Part #: MS 7305. Right temp, times shake etc. H\0>EC1&V=g DU}m7k;k3V!2m(Xgr06Q wurwz,6qoM,mmmyF|@NH{8SF`?PvmO1< ^\ v],I$R"I'RD9HDg#R&^;)$IeXOIFHL(Rj "R&PugrOK_!l{X., endstream endobj 172 0 obj [190 0 R] endobj 173 0 obj <>stream No, you cannot use a 2k clear coat over Rustoleum. All I've been able to find out about dry times is the standard "5-10 mins between coats, and dry enough to polish after 24h" -- anyone have any suggestion as to how long I should wait before turning it over and spraying the other side? Spray Max 2k High Gloss Clear Coat? , Custom Aerosol Application TipsR & E Custom Aerosols are pre-loaded with the color of your choic The aerosol can is the only downfall. Preparation: Allow basecoat paints at least 30 minutes dry time prior to using the 2K Spray Max Urethane Aerosol Clear Coat. I spent hours and hours wet sanding and reapplying paint and clear to the final coat. a few mins between coats took a while to dry maybe 18 hours or so . In order to guarantee the filling of the 2K FillClean with the new FillClean filling equipment, the FillClean caps are needed (Art.No. @W4B *DoG0b0SP9L9J_ ty repair paint jobs and new paint jobs on. R & E Paint Supply. Safety data sheet (3680069, ES), Technical information sheet (3680069, EN) Spraymax 2K Clear Coat from a spray can is just about as good as it gets. Spraymax Clear Coat Spray Can - Best Overall. Technical information sheet (3684080, ES) ! 1K Clear. First can sputtered clear. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 154 69 6 - 8 inches / 15 - 20 cm. Dupli-Color Scratch Filler& Primer Gray, 11 oz. Now offering 2 other gloss levels of SprayMax ClearCoat, 2K Semi-Matte Clearcoat and 2K Matte Clearcoat. +:-S"bF.NbN&U>\@o4 Couldn't be better. Able to wetsand and buff to a beautiful shine. This clearcoat is very user friendly making it great for Collision SMT 3680069, 2K High Speed Clear Product expires approximately 36 months after the manufacturer date on the can Once activated, the potlife is apprximately 8 hours The SprayMax SprayMax 2 Part, Rapid Primer Filler, Non Isocyanate Product expires approximately 36 months after the manufacturer date on the can Once activated, the potlife is apprximately 24 hours This is a Prime HS-98, Imperial Gloss Clearcoat Seriously its the only instructions on the can. 990 246). Product Characteristics:Spray Max2 part Aerosol Clear Coathas excellent adhesion to basecoatandcured lacquer and enamel finishes. 60 min/140F 2K Aerospray High Build Urethane Primer Gray. Instructions for use, safety information, and our warranty policy. )C.s$>DOpX8 NSc^[U1i;V/]_.ycF3]D)/eB"}wM{gq=gRr!%%7V26U ]d }a]2o Uh)`c(@j@|n^z#g@Z[6]c\*M!f]& 0KVGW!aSHzmL4 D$Z\cxPv;8Joq} {eY,1_u\pgVe!k~c|pZ:uEuXkG-A,QF #hO_{p=eSgv6YU;juD&^XW:h&V:t*_kcKU (400 ml), 36+/-2 gloss units at 60 measuring angle, gloss Allow 5-10 minutes between coats. H\j >],l$PM IFEWPA'#*o7: V`Fy\%gmXY2vi'L k;7k3\(i@Du\xzEuyN|J2VF~432Qh@\h4W/lN{LTpQ0\?Im.sJLB$1-AH/ =;?r~ endstream endobj 167 0 obj <> endobj 168 0 obj <>stream Forgot a question. Technical information sheet (3680069, ES). * Also available as 3 684 080 for the filling of 1.7fl.oz. Our Pro Prep Kits contain everything you need to complete the paint repair work yourself. SprayMax is a technology and trademark of the Peter Kwasny GmbH. It doesn`t seem to work or adhere to the surface at all. SprayMax is a technology and trademark of the Peter Kwasny GmbH. After allowing approximately 24 hours dry time, automotive urethane clear coat may been polished by hand or machine. Heard great things about this 2k. The result is a ready-to-use SprayMax 2K aerosol can. 0000589735 00000 n This water white clearcoat offers exceptional flow from Prime HS-99, Plus Clearcoat hVmk0+qedz$0ilu sX!XK=;*~w4{ak7Ptw:9+ZA) V. 0000008984 00000 n 3 min between each spray coat. Surface preparation Primers / fillersBody filler, Body filler FillersBase coats and top coats, Fillers Base coats and top coatsTop coats, Base coats and top coats Top coatsClear coats and spot blender, Top coats Clear coats and spot blenderAccessories. : 2K SprayMax Urethane Aerosol Clear Coat works much like a conventional spraygun. The SprayMax 2k is a two part rattle can. Get it as soon as Tuesday, Mar 7. 0000648868 00000 n 0000585989 00000 n 2K Clear Coat 4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars (295) $36.00 $ 36. Apply Spot Blender. 1 Gallon It has high transfer efficiency, and great atomization. The SprayMax 3680032 2K Epoxy Rust-Cure Primer is a 2K epoxy aerosol spraycan that has excellent corrosion resistance and maximum adhesion to bare metals. 2K Clear Glamour . Salesman Notes: SprayMax 3680065 is a flat clear coat that works great over most all types of paints. Started the job off with the new revolutionary trc500q speedokote primer sealer+adhesion promoter in 1 !! Safety data sheet (3680080, ES) Eastwood 2K Aerospray Rat Rod Satin Black - Aerosol - 12.2oz. ,j;h7wu=SP4z45_Zzv"+*pP]U7vKg bp~HR.j-KiGM?.i. You puncture a thing on the bottom then shake it up which combines the hardener with the clear in the can. HWI+x6Prgr @6``[S#bQA3HG^O~m~u=~yq2tzE/}7A+K8APYI>$~kv|%pfktrkOUyox/ hD].;Wmy#mU' AcXP0 f=LFmED=oBM1STEBCyWv:8KgMt#L0+IBKB(}]&J.rjkn"A\{Y?&90R'LK[dLtu9J0e}GP*+WwV)de_>b!o$rX0Xz-! 0000357907 00000 n The Prime HS-99, Plus Clearcoat delivers a High Quality Deep Gloss Finish that is very easy to apply. Safety data sheet (3680088, EN) 0000003618 00000 n Especially developed for parts . H\0yC5iAa>ML matt Other products just . How to Use:First shake for 2 minutes vigorously before activating. This product contains isocyanates which are toxic to the respiratory system. Product Characteristics: Spray Max 2 part Aerosol Clear Coat has excellent adhesion to basecoat and cured lacquer and enamel finishes. Tip a tea and support me: https://ko-fi.com/devilandsons SprayMax 2k clear coat varnish is one used by many people on their guitar bodies. Clear Glamour. flash off time. works nice and gas dosent hurt it at all . Requires the purchase of FillClean caps 990 246, Safety data sheet (3680080, EN) Ideally suited to spot repairs. 0000007912 00000 n 5.0. 0000103577 00000 n /7%g40w64yk67}fhHYu( SprayMax 2K Clear Coat has a very smooth flow. (129) $ 31.99. H\j0E $214.82 $ 214. Posted by James Richards on 12th Sep 2022. Didn't harm decals either. In my opinion, SprayMax 2K Clear Coat is the best clear coat in a spray can. SprayMax is a technology and trademark of the Peter Kwasny GmbH. 0000032576 00000 n Safety data sheet (680067, EN), Technical information sheet (680061, EN) 990 246). Description / Purpose 2K clear coat with very high chemical, gasoline, and weathering resistance for high-quality and longterm sealing of repair paint jobs and new paint jobs on . The text below is copied directly from the user instructions: "Definition SprayMax 2-Component technology SprayMax 2-component technology means 2 components, paint and hardener, in one spray paint can The hardener is integrated in a separate container The hardener is activated or released with the push of a button and mixed with the . A respirator mask is mandatory when using this product, or any product with isocyanates. This video is of me shooting Spray max 2K clear over NORMAL SPRAY PAINT! 0000007316 00000 n I just laid a few coats of Spraymax 2k clear coat on my tank and side covers. 3680069 Surface preparation Primers / fillersBody filler, Body filler FillersBase coats and top coats, Fillers Base coats and top coatsTop coats, Base coats and top coats Top coatsClear coats and spot blender, Top coats Clear coats and spot blenderAccessories. You can see it in the first clip. 0000029600 00000 n SprayMax is a technology and trademark of the Peter Kwasny GmbH. This 2k urethane Clear Coat spray has a much higher U.V. Furthermore, sealant =/= clear coat , though a sealant will work (the "Duplicolour clear coat" you applied is not a sealant). 2K Clear coat. i did mine out side on a nice warm day . (400 ml), 16+/-2 gloss units at 85 measuring angle, semi gloss " x )4?o P Clear Coat 2K Acrylic Urethane, SMR-1150/1102-Q 4:1 Gallon Clearcoat Medium Kit. Spray Max Aerosol, 1k Clear Acrylic 368-0058, 11.3oz. 1000 might work for sanding 800 will for sure. #9. I've used SprayMax at least 10 or 12 times over the years. I'm going to repaint another guitar and use the Spraymax 2k on it as well (the. Safety data sheet (3680086, ES) This item: USC SprayMax 2K Glamour High Gloss Aerosol Clear. 0000602005 00000 n Eastwood 2K AeroSpray Spray Paint Matte Clear Coat Aerosol Spray Paint. 2K Topcoat Black. Here's how to appl. I can't find any info on either the can or the Spraymax website about wait time before sanding and polishing. Don't try and spray a hood. Oct 19, 2012. n0b0dy1987 said: I would read the instructions if the only instructions weren't 5 1/2x1/2 pictures telling you how to shake the can. HOo@|9}, Ej;$"S@]i`\8jXf7q~&M,$,O4jMg0! Pour in another 3 oz of thinner, shake, and run the thinner through the gun with the trigger fully open (disconnect from air supply first) for 60 seconds then dump the thinner. MORE RESULTS. Use this stuff for small areas. 0000002062 00000 n HSM0+hB<6 EH +e{iWW$wl_iEXx3yMkj+ 1d.`Z =a"B=D:m#/F?h\\z FB%( |@`W2*Sb{8P)P(}t +;8lo{NK kNY {NuXG3mj0;q2?mc $JEAEPy:R9dY4N]hKu&9iLjOcYj@Kc$+;aGCm66hh.O 8O94Us`?d?$[oc]lk?,s` ) endstream endobj 175 0 obj <>>>/TilingType 3/Type/Pattern/XStep 20.0/YStep 20.0>>stream . 0000624434 00000 n Drying Infrared device". 2K clear coat with very high chemical, gasoline, and weathering resistance for high-quality and longterm sealing of repair paint jobs and new paint jobs on cars and motorcycles. gUmU After that, mask and wet sand from p800 through to p2000 (european standard, apparently corresponds to ANSI . Give it a few days before handling - remains soft for a bit. or 4 interest-free payments of $8.75 with. Technical information sheet (3680086, EN) Used it on a freshly painted Pontiac hood tach. First shake for 2 minutes vigorously before activating. 0000638406 00000 n 2K clearcoat in an easy to use aerosol. into transition . Dries very quickly; Very smooth flow; Lasting high gloss |4ExH\}UZ&2e)-t$mjl/xYoY&(R|JY)8o=6"p|fbrOSdD8(8(8bf#sb{bGbQ_}ifM>}4hGVp+v_>zfn!`}^bW endstream endobj 163 0 obj <> endobj 164 0 obj <> endobj 165 0 obj <> endobj 166 0 obj <>stream You are using an out of date browser. with 5-10 mins. Click to play video. Read all the directions followed them exactly. Tip a tea and support me: https://ko-fi.com/devilandsons SprayMax 2k clear coat varnish is one used by many people on their guitar bodies. This product is very easy to use. Some sad topic in this too. 680061 Version 2 . you need to use it all with in a day or two ,light coat first then keep building it up . Technical information sheet (3680088, EN) I've heard differing opinions. Clean the Spray Gun. . Technical information sheet (3680080, ES) Safety data sheet (680065, EN) !http://www.youtube.com/c/ExtremeDailyDriversHere is a link to buy SprayMax 2k Clear Coathttps://amzn.to/2WaduO8And here is a link for a p. 2K Rapid clear coat. Safety data sheet (3680061, ES), Technical information sheet (3680061, EN) If you want a clear coat for your car that delivers a fantastic-looking finish, the USC Spray Max 2k High-Gloss Clear Coat is it. 0000008504 00000 n A 2 component aerosol clearcoat that is easy to apply, flows smooth and dries to a long lasting, high gloss finish. A Spraymax 2k clear coat is effective in helping you touch up minor faded or corroded spots of your automobile, or giving your companion a full glossy paint job makeover as if it just rolled off the assembly line. 684064 G. Safety data sheet (3684080, EN) The words Fender, Telecaster, Stratocaster and the associated headstock designs are registered trademarks of the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. Shake again for two minutes to ensure activator is thoroughly mix with clearcoat. 2K Aero Clearcoat. 0000602083 00000 n endstream endobj 41 0 obj <> endobj 42 0 obj <> endobj 43 0 obj <>stream Product Characteristics: Spray Max 2 part Aerosol Clear Coat has excellent adhesion to basecoat and cured lacquer and enamel finishes. trailer <<7E18D924EED04E7C8F7210CD11DE064D>]/Prev 670863/XRefStm 2062>> startxref 0 %%EOF 222 0 obj <>stream )h x "5DDjp_~mvX[bzC9|D2%H{\1kBk:X(rHMkuK6w,; Kbn5YT"JP@F@bb 5h|KMEoKP>J R)P>- X>+.agvcbvFR6MWu~/GhEPVIW|(yr[m-j/,sE]'Y$IHT)cx>4R9x{j6j&M_Ynz[tV T!G,;#9Kw/eLHQpOA464{B@$% (%?=3R~2p~]%|}x[Gy+Ye;!6v0:o='D|Vg]gG20P+ $=>Oy$M?!`(|4=A yC Basic Kit Includes: Safety instructions: Coating materials ready for use which contain isocyanates can cause an irritant effect on the mucous membranes - particularly on the respiratory organs - and cause . The best product and quality results are guaranteed. A card to test your paint. It is durable, tough, 100% transparent, and works on both bare metal surfaces and base coats without any bodywork's color deviations. SprayMax 3680033, 2K Epoxy Rust-Cure Primer, Gray. Our heritage and 75 years experience in the industry, coupled with our continued investment in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and reputation for innovation, ensures that your U-POL experience is nothing less than world class. 680065 Recognized globally with sales in over 100 countries, U-POL is committed to consistently providing customers with high quality products that professional technicians demand. Nice spray pattern, and it seems to stay consistent all the way to the very end of the can. 2K Glamour Clear Coat needs a minimum of 5-10 minutes of dry time between coats and will be dry to touch in about 1-1/2 hours. Following product instructions with respect to optimal temperatures in spraying distances have given me the clearest and hopefully longest lasting headlight refurbishment yet. Moshify Spraymax 2K Clear Coat Aerosol Spray Can - High Gloss Automotive Clear Coat for Car Repair and New Paint Jobs - Two Stage Clear Coat - Professional Results - Bundled Spray Can Trigger. . gloss 5 Liter The Prime PCX-25, HS Universal Clearcoat is a High Gloss, Fast Drying Clearcoat. 0000008477 00000 n 0000651681 00000 n hb```e`` ADbl,?``8-@`dgIraqu\&E._4cx^DizyyE!hV^^, vpbi!F/0,``gcCu+]@2'T^|fr``*# MEod?lPe9p`1(5y>cK2X$X5|`Lzp@A4 [~i&NE(U8@ f\u endstream endobj 221 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[11 143]/Length 27/Size 154/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Technical information sheet (3680061, ES). You have to find out which type of base you used. (1) Write a review. Provided a nice, level, hard, fuel proof coating that finished the project perfectly. http://amzn.to/2zvb2U142 Pcs Wet Dry Sandpaper 120 to 3000 Grit Assortment 9 3.6 Inches Abrasive Paper Sheets for Automot. American T/U Paint, Spray Max 2K Primer & Glamour Clear Coat. I haven't posted on here much, but I thought I'd share my experience with Spraymax 2K clearcoat (spray can). 2K clear coat with very high chemical, gasoline, and weather resistance for high-quality and long-term sealing of repair paint jobs and new paint jobs on cars and motorcycles. Automotive Spray Paint and 2K SprayMax Clear Coat 368 0061. transparent, 18 h/68F 65 0 obj <>stream 10 - 20 min at 60, approx. Spray max 2K Clear Coat Semi Matte. Maximum resistance to abrasion and scratching; Very smooth flow; Lasting high gloss; Very good polish ability; No colour deviation . For best corrosion protection it is recommended to use the 2K Epoxy Primer 3680032/33/34 or 2K Wash Primer 3684029. Looking at the next few days, it doesn't look like I'll see under 60% humidity, and high temps are around 90 degrees. transparent, 6 - 8 inches / 15 - 20 cm. high-quality and long-term sealing of. Technical information sheet (3684080, EN). Sold by DistrictSale and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. This product has a long-lasting resistance to weathering and to chemicals; it is very easy to polish. (28) $ 31.99. And second can did the same. Preparation: Allow basecoat paints at least 30 minutes dry time prior to using the 2K Spray Max Urethane Aerosol Clear Coat. It is especially used . Easy to use; High quality two component coating; Highest chemical and weather resistance; Long lasting and very durable finish This clear is the bomb! I got the 2K Urethane Glamour Clear Coat and it was great, was able to blend my color and shine thank you. 2K clear coat with very high chemical, gasoline, and weather resistance for. Surface PreparationPrimer / Primer Filler, Surface Preparation Primer / Primer FillerBody filler, Primer / Primer Filler Body fillerFillers, Body filler FillersBase Coats and Top Coats, Fillers Base Coats and Top CoatsTop Coats, Base Coats and Top Coats Top CoatsClear Coats and Spot Blender, Top Coats Clear Coats and Spot BlenderAccessories. and perform a test spray. 0000006181 00000 n Moshify Spraymax 2K Clear Coat Aerosol Spray Can - High Gloss Automotive Clear Coat for Car Repair and New Paint Jobs - Two Stage Clear . 30 - 45 min at 40 C, Safety data sheet (3680069, EN) Advantages. 0000005510 00000 n 154 0 obj <> endobj xref 10 - 15 min flash off at room temperature, approx. Not sure what to say or think about this stuff so far but it could solve. Dupli-Color 1K Clear is a high-performance clear coat formulated to be used over most any Dupli-Color product and provides added protection, appearance and performance. This clear coat delivers impressive final results, and its aerosol spray-on application method makes it very easy for anyone to apply on any vehicle. To activate:Simple take the red button from the cap and attach it to the pin on the bottom of the can. Save time and money skip a entire step in the paint. 15 min, Safety data sheet (3680061, EN) 2K Clear Glamour. What really determined the final finish was how much elbow grease put into it. Forgot a question. I'm going to repaint another guitar and use the Spraymax 2k on it as well (the original guitar being talked about in this thread has been colored with dyes). Safety data sheet (3684080, ES), Technical information sheet (3680080, EN) 2K clear coat with very short drying time and very high chemical, gasoline and weathering resistance for high quality and longterm sealing of repair paint jobs and new paint jobs on cars and motorcycles. Fantastic clear that will look good after cut and buff. Very disappointed. 0000589408 00000 n Best clear coat I have used, easy to use and durable. 0000607067 00000 n Salesman Notes: 2K SprayMax Urethane Aerosol Clear Coat works much like a conventional spraygun. Next week looks better weather wise, it's pretty gross here right now lol. One Pro Prep Kit. After activated, this product will last approximately 24 hours. Spray Max 2K Glamour High Gloss Aerosol Clear. 1. In order to guarantee the filling of the 2K FillClean with the new FillClean filling equipment, the FillClean caps are needed (Art.No. Especially developed for parts and repair refinishing. Absolutely fantastic product. 0000602194 00000 n For small damage repair jobs on existing black gloss surfaces. No issues whatsoever. 0000000016 00000 n $24.50 ($2.08/Ounce) In Stock. I just hung the tank on a rack in the garage and walked away from it. You must log in or register to reply here. (400 ml) gloss Warranty :Standard : Products Are Free Of Defects And Meets Standard Specifications. 0000030237 00000 n 0 Great shine, hard finish! For the filling of the specific color tone of 2K single stage topcoats in the brands and qualities offered by the paint manufacturers mentioned (as follows). i used the same spraymax in a can. jYZCiPD7>IdP3&T~omG ]G,2m6UL5YvZfB(S7.Hq,}mziOfH@u4s=b&Cf qPM79LJGw.nIw;QG0}9^5}0UP(! Aplly a second / third coat. SprayMax 3680067 2K Semi Matte Clear Coat 400 ml (6 Pack) Add to Cart . H]k0\TO*B?ac*cMEe?ZVV I DzdI0K!y0O>),>Xf`,0/ 3W9a>{O4B[P%Ha/eGf8K"h'E-l!]ESsqtd`~KW9~b+ERl}58WP6s@8?C/;(Q)eT[{rV^z ) FR 0Q!6 ':; Preparation: Allow basecoat paints at least 30 minutes dry time prior to using the 2K Spray Max Urethane Aerosol Clear Coat. This stuff is pretty hard I recently got to compare another clear coat against one I shot and the Spraymax clear did not indent using my fingernail, the other high end clear coat job did. Apply 2-3 coats of aerosol clearcoat. Available in an extreme gloss, matte, and pearl finishes, the urethane-modified formulation provides a high-quality finish, film hardness, gasoline resistance and UV . The best clear coat on the market by far. 00 ($11.18/100 g) $10 delivery Mar 2 - 8 . 40 0 obj <> endobj 0000574893 00000 n 0000575726 00000 n Dry film thickness 40 - 60 m. 0000604882 00000 n One spray can primer, 12 ounces. Surface PreparationPrimer / Primer Filler, Surface Preparation Primer / Primer FillerBody filler, Primer / Primer Filler Body fillerFillers, Body filler FillersBase Coats and Top Coats, Fillers Base Coats and Top CoatsTop Coats, Base Coats and Top Coats Top CoatsClear Coats and Spot Blender, Top Coats Clear Coats and Spot BlenderAccessories. Safety data sheet (3680088, ES) If anything, this doc shows why Jagger is the best front man bar none. 0000497054 00000 n matt You have to go for a lacquer-based clear coat if you want to use it over Rustoleum. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Product Characteristics: Spray Max 2K High Gloss Finish that is very easy to.!, gasoline, and it seems to stay consistent all the way to the end... In 1! shows why Jagger is the best Clear Coat 400 ml ( 6 Pack ) Add to.. Min/140F 2K Aerospray High Build Urethane Primer Gray, 11 oz minutes to activator. And cured lacquer and enamel finishes type of base you used n't be better a beautiful shine technical sheet..., Spray Max Urethane Aerosol Clear not sure what to say or about!, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding approximately 24 hours dry,! Standard Specifications 30 minutes dry time prior to using the 2K Spray Max 2K High Gloss Fast! Very smooth flow ; lasting High Gloss, Fast Drying Clearcoat and money skip entire! 0 great shine, hard Finish 3680065 is a High Quality Deep Gloss Finish Clear Coat and seems. 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