securus customer service refund
securus customer service refund
We will, however, always post the changed terms on our website. AdvanceConnect account holders may get prepaid service balance and other information on their AdvanceConnect accounts by visiting our website at or calling 1-800-844-6591. inmatesales. This includes any Products with the Securus or JPay name, as well as the design logo and certain other names or logos which are service marks or trademarks of our company, and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans which are also our service marks or trademarks. These monthly invoices must be paid in full by the due date or the Direct Bill account will be blocked from receiving further calls from incarcerated individuals. We help family and friends of incarcerated individuals. We help family and friends of incarcerated individuals. Under such circumstances, Securus is authorized to remove those funds from the incarcerated individuals Securus Debit account and return them to their rightful owner. How do I get setup for eMessaging using the Securus Apple iOS app? You agree that you are bound by the commitments you make to us in exchange for your use or purchase of our Products. Time Limit for Raising Disputes. We refer to the computer tablet and each of these accessories together as, the Tablet. We are not liable to you or to any other person for any termination or suspension of your account, loss of storage, any associated e-mail address, or access to our website. You are responsible for charges from your mobile phone carrier, and it is your responsibility to check with the carrier about message and data rates that could apply. Account blocks are released periodically throughout the day so it may take up to 24 hours for a Direct Bill account to be able to receive calls again after making a payment. Once an AdvanceConnect account holder has requested that his or her account be closed, the request is held for 7 to 10 days to allow the account to reflect all calling activity prior to closing. You will reimburse us for reasonable attorneys fees, as well as our employees and contractors time and materials spent responding to any third-party subpoena or other compulsory legal order or process associated with third party claims described above at our then-current hourly rates. Securus Contact Systems creates exceptional connections with your customers through our live receptionist service and leaves trustworthy impressions with each interaction. Any section of this Customer Agreement that, to give proper effect to its intent, should survive such expiration or termination, will survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Customer Agreement. Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Agreement (Arbitration Agreement). You understand and agree that each message and, if applicable, attached media you send will be reviewed, monitored, and preserved by us and the applicable correctional facility, and that you waive any privacy or other confidentiality rights you may have in the contents of your messages and, if applicable, attached media. Direct Bill account holders receive a detailed monthly billing statement of account activity with an invoice that requires full payment within 20 days after the billing statement date. AdvanceConnect account holders may initiate account closing by visiting our website at or calling 1-800-844-6591. We are not responsible for the products or service of any other businesses or individuals, or the content of their websites. YOU AGREE THAT YOU WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST US ARISING FROM THE RECORDING OF NON-PRIVATIZED CALLS. Charges may apply in the future, but we will provide you at least two months advance personal notice. $3.00 credit/debit card; may vary by correctional facility, Up to $4.95 (Please go to for more info). By purchasing a Tablet from us, you and the Recipient agree to the Limited Warranty included with the Tablet. The following information is required when opening an AdvanceConnect account: AdvanceConnect account information can be accessed 24/7/365 at 1-800-844-6591 and, which supports requests to open an account, access account calling activity, fund an account, make account changes, close an account, or request a refund on an account. The Privacy Policy is incorporated herein by reference. You can look up these costs on our website (either or depending on whether the correctional facility uses the Securus or JPay products). For more information, please contact Securus Customer Care at 1-800-844-6591 or at Phone numbers can be added to or removed from a Direct Bill account by the Direct Bill account holder. What if I move and /or my address changes? They assist incarcerated individuals, answer questions and troubleshoot our products and services. We do not make any promise or guarantee that the Tablet will operate without failure or without errors. It generally takes 2-3 business days for the refund to process back to the card, after the funds have been removed from the account, but could take up to one billing cycle to be reflected on the statement. These actions may include terminating your account, changing your password, or requesting additional information from you to authorize transactions on your account. How do I add another inmate to my account? Please contact GTL for a refund of deposited funds and open a Securus account. Our Direct Bill Product allows you to create an account that you own that allows you and other friends and family members to receive collect calls from incarcerated individuals and have the call charges billed directly from us to you each month. *Fee amounts that are shown above are standard pricing. If a lawsuit is filed to enforce these waivers the parties agree that the arbitration shall be immediately stayed, by agreement or court order, until the court case is resolved and all appellate review is exhausted. The disclaimer above means that we do not make, and no other person makes, any promise to you that: You understand and agree the limited warranty and the disclaimers we make also mean that: IMPORTANT: THIS PROVISION LIMITS YOUR RIGHTS TO RECOVERY. Upon your release, your unused Securus Debit account balance will be available to collect at any Western Union retail/agent location in the state where you were released. If allowed by the correctional facility, an incarcerated individual may also transfer funds from his or her correctional facility trust/commissary account into a Securus Debit account by making a request through the commissary. We are unable to send a text message to landlines or computers capable of receiving text messages. Resolute may be reached telephonically at (800) 776-6060. This means that when you provide credit card numbers to us, we can assume that you have the proper authority and permission to use those credit card numbers and to incur charges on those accounts. We are not responsible for delays in delivery due to the actions or decisions of the correctional facility or other events that are beyond our control, including shortage of materials, labor strikes, transportation failure, lockdown, correctional facility disruption, inclement weather or acts of God. However, it can take up to 24 hours for the call management system to receive updated information about payments on these accounts. Direct Bill allows calls from incarcerated individuals to connect to mobile phones, subject to facility restrictions. Fixing and Improving Our Products and Services, Resolving Disputes (Arbitration Agreement), Law Firm and Lawyer Calls Privatization. Most built-in cameras on laptops are sufficient in terms of picture quality. The prepaid balance expires ninety (90) days from the date of the last call placed on the Inmate Debit account unless alternative arrangements are expressly requested by the Confinement Facility. Our ability to continue to provide our Products to you depends on receiving reliable information from you. No refunds of unused balances will be issued after the expiration date. Should I fund anAdvanceConnect account or a SecurusDebit account? The Tablet Ticketing Team is available 365 days and supports our computer systems, tablets and software applications. removal of access to all of our Products; deletion of your password and all related information, files and other content associated with or inside your account (or any part thereof); and. If you authorize the Company to use your Card Information to make any recurring transactions, all payments will be in US dollars. Securus Technologies is a U.S.-based communication provider for incarcerated persons. Esto es completamente opcional y para su comodidad en el uso de los servicios Do I, or my friend and family user, get to keep the tablet upon release? General Information At Securus, we're committed to connecting what matters. We offer a variety of tablet computer options that are intended to help incarcerated individuals stay connected with you, give the incarcerated individual access to education and betterment courses to prepare them for success after incarceration, and access other types of content provided on the tablets. . Subscription payments are non-refundable. We also make various policies, help centers, and other resources available to you to answer common questions and to set expectations about the use of our Products. Just like our previous call platform, we provide you with a . for more info), Up to $4.95 (Please go to of the last call received. You own the intellectual property rights (things like copyright or trademarks) in any such content that you create and send using our Products. The right we give you to access our website and to use our Products is personal to you (it doesnt extend to anyone else), nonexclusive (we can license theses rights to others), non-assignable (youre not allowed to assign the right to anyone else), and your use must be consistent with your Customer Agreement. Account blocks are released periodically throughout the day, so it may take up to 24 hours for a Direct Bill account to be able to receive calls again after making a payment. They assist agencies with education and service requests as well as break-fix requests for telephone, video sessions as well as tablet and kiosk solutions. Friends and family members of an incarcerated individual may open an AdvanceConnect account by calling 1-800-844-6591 or by visiting our website at At any time and for any reason (including at the request of the correctional facility), we may terminate the Messaging Solutions, terminate this Customer Agreement, or terminate your account. We refer to these products and services as our Products. Except for the limited permission to use our Products as described by these terms, we reserve for ourselves and our licensors all other right, title and interest. Any and all information supplied under this service is additional to and does not replace the information we make available to you in accordance with your Customer Agreement. This team is available 24/7/365. cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches and dents; damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, liquid spill or submersion, flood, fire, earthquake, or other external causes; damage caused by service on the Tablet performed by anyone who is not a representative of Securus or JPay; a Tablet where the hardware or software has been modified; or. Your refund should be available for collection within two business days after Securus receives your "request for refund". It generally takes 2-3 business days for the refund to process back to the card, after the funds have been removed from the closed account, but could take up to one billing cycle to be reflected on the credit or debit card statement. This account offers the following benefits: You can fund a Securus Debit account without having your own calling account The maximum funding amount is $50.00 per transaction You have 24/7/365 access to fund an incarcerated individual's Debit account on our website or by contacting us via phone Calculate your Call. Al almacenar su informacin de pago, usted puede For purposes of clarification, your submission of a complaint in itself is not sufficient to be considered a good faith effort to resolve the dispute in accordance with this paragraph. Examples of specific causes for termination and suspension of access to our Products or a change to your password include, but are not limited to: If your account is terminated or suspended, this may result in any one or more of the following circumstances to occur: You understand and agree that all terminations and suspensions are made in our sole discretion. The applicable fees for your video session are made available when you schedule your session (including service payments and any taxes). Securus Video Connect , is a fully web-based visual communication system that allows friends, family members, attorneys, and public officials to schedule and participate in video sessions with an incarcerated individual - from anywhere with internet access using the free Securus app, computer or tablet. Our state-of-the-art Interactive Voice Response (IVR) can answer your questions including last call attempts, current account balance, accepting payments and basic troubleshooting. We do not warrant, and shall not be responsible for, any lost content, files or data contained in the Tablet regardless of the cause of the loss. YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE ONLY WARRANTY WE MAKE, OR THAT ANY OF OUR SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS OR OTHER PERSONS MAKE, ABOUT OUR WEBSITE OR ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS ARE (1) STATED IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY ABOVE, AND (2) STATED IN THE PRODUCT-SPECIFIC ADDITIONAL TERMS. What can the Securus Debit account funds be used for? Phone numbers associated with a Direct Bill account may receive calls from incarcerated individuals as long as the Direct Bill monthly credit limit has not been exceeded and there is no past-due balance on the Direct Bill account. Review of Suspicious Securus Debit Transactions. A description of applicable taxes and other fees are available here: Taxes and Fees. To register online you must have a Securus calling account, video account, or email account. The security of your account is important to us. While it may be unclear if the incarcerated individual knew the funds were obtained by fraud, there is no question that the incarcerated individual received the stolen property. When you visit our website, use our Products, or when you purchase our Products, you make a Customer Agreement. estadounidenses. NEW! Securus will provide you with a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) for the approved amount. Our limited warranty to you is that our website and all our Products are provided using reasonable skill and care. In order to begin visiting with an incarcerated individual from the comfort of your home, office, or any location equipped with high-speed Internet, PC and webcam, or a mobile device, you must first register with us and create a Securus online account and add Video Connect. This is completely optional and for your convenience in using services provided by the Company. Securus Online Assistant Now Available - Click the bubble below. What can I do? (c) Exceptions. As a condition precedent to recovery, all Disputes under this Agreement must be filed in writing or electronically within 12 months of your constructive knowledge that the alleged issue occurred. You understand and agree that use of the Tablet by the Recipient is a privilege and misuse or other inappropriate actions may lead to denial of this privilege, confiscation of the Tablet, administrative and disciplinary sanctions and/or legal action. You understand and agree that you are waiving your right to sue or go to court to assert or defend your rights. Este acuerdo permanecer en vigor hasta que usted cancele su autorizacin You understand and agree that we may immediately and without notice to you terminate or suspend your account, your access to our Products, or your access to all or any part of our website, and that we may immediately and without notice change your password.,, provide true, accurate, up-to-date, and complete information; and. Account holders that request an optional paper billing statement may be charged $2.00 per statement. Can I Link my JPay Email Account to Securus if my address is outside of US, Mexico or Canada? Your satisfaction is our #1 goal. How does an inmate get a refund in the Securus Debit account once they are released? If you believe there was a problem with our system that prevented you from participating in a scheduled video session, please contact our Customer Care center. detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud or security issues; satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, policy, or governmental request; enforce the terms of this Customer Agreement (including investigating of potential violations of this Customer Agreement); protect the rights, property, or safety of our employees and property, and the employees and property of the Facilities; or. Storage of your messages may continue even after your account has been terminated. You can register and enroll in Securus Online through our website at or by calling 1-800-844-6591. Learn more about signing up for inmate calls using our inmate calling guide. Attorneys. Phone numbers can be added to or removed from an AdvanceConnect account by the AdvanceConnect account holder. Attorneys. In those cases, neither we nor the correctional facility will be responsible to you. This means, for example, if you delete a text we cannot send it again. Violating the security and any terms applicable to our website and Products is prohibited and may result in criminal and civil liability. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RULES AND PROCEDURES CONCERNING PRIVATIZATION MAY VARY BY JURISDICTION, AGENCY-SPECIFIC REGULATIONS, AND THE PARTICULAR EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE AT EACH CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. Further, any demand for arbitration must be filed no later than 12 months after your constructive knowledge that the alleged issue occurred. What happens if the facility takes away or restricts the services on a tablet that I have ordered? crdito o dbito y que autoriza a la Empresa a cargar su tarjeta de provide any other information that a correctional facility may require. Usted puede cancelar esta autorizacin en cualquier momento SecurTel can save you money by assigning a specially programmed phone number that ensures you save the most on inmate calls. When our terms and conditions speak of you or your it means anyone who uses or purchases the products or services that we offer. . Friends and family members may purchase Securus services in advance (subject to facility restrictions) by: Payments sent via mail may take seven to ten business days to process and MUST include a Securus Debit Pay by Mail Remittance Slip found at Note that Western Union may apply a fee reducing the totalrefundamount. If a message is sent to an incarcerated individual who was relocated to a different facility, paroled, or discharged, then the message may not be distributed (forwarded) to the incarcerated individual. (b) Maximum Liability. any errors in our website or Products will be corrected. Due to a variety of factors, including software and security updates, the data associated with your use of the Products should not be considered safely backed up and we advise you to ensure (to the extent you are able) that you have another copy of messages, documents, or other media that you wish to preserve. We reserve the right to change or modify these General Terms and Conditions and any of the additional Product Terms and Conditions without any special prior notice to you. securus video visitation refund If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process here. Account holders can visit or call 1-800-844-6591 after making a payment to check their account balances and confirm receipt of payment(s). August 31, 2022, Aventiv Technologies Launches New Website Dedicated to Providing Information, Resources, and Support to Families and Friends of Incarcerated Individuals The owner of a Direct Bill account (a friend, family member or attorney) must pass a credit check in order to be approved for a Direct Bill account. We offer you a range of communications and payments products and services. I _____ (Print Full Name), am the customer of record and party responsible for Securus Video Connect account _____ (User Name / Email Address), and my physical address . Therefore, Securus will only issue credit for Securus Video . Este Acuerdo requiere que usted mantenga una tarjeta vlida en el archivo de la How do I know if someone received the money I sent? This Arbitration Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with, the United States Federal Arbitration Act and other applicable federal law. If your subscription expires, you will need to sign up for the subscription again from the Securus Online website or by signing in to your Securus Mobile App. JPay Player (Tablet) Purchase Terms and Warranty. To ensure timely processing of a mailed payment, the payment should include documentation of the friend or family members ten-digit telephone number and the AdvanceConnect account number. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of our website (or any portion of our website). Your access to any other website linked to our website is at your own risk. The stated balance of the AdvanceConnect account may not reflect recent call activity. Ensure the security of your data and transactions USLegal fulfills industry-leading security and compliance standards. The Contact Center is open seven days a week 24 hours per day. Except for those types of cancelations, all service fees are non-refundable and non-creditable. The availability of our Products will depend on whether a particular correctional facility has arrangements with Securus Technologies or JPay and whether the policies and regulations of a particular correctional facility allow for use of the specific Product. We reserve the right to investigate your use of the Messaging Solutions in order to determine whether a violation of your Customer Agreement occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request. you may call the Securus Technologies, Inc. AdvanceConnect account holders are responsible for payment for any services purchased on the AdvanceConnect account. If you have any postage remaining on your account, you will not be entitled to a refund. Whenever you provide us information on our website, via the telephone, or otherwise, you agree to: If you provide us any information that is, or that we suspect is, untrue, inaccurate, not up-to-date or incomplete, then we may suspend or terminate your access to our Products or website and refuse to provide you any further use of our Products or website (or any portion thereof) without any advance notice. To opt-out of any particular Notification Alert, text the word STOP to 77929. Agreement can be found at under Terms and Conditions and is subject to change. Invalid picture Picture not uploaded, picture has filters, picture too blurry, etc. crdito o dbito identificada anteriormente por los ltimos cuatro El presente Acuerdo de Pago (este Acuerdo) entre usted y Securus Technologies, Inc. (la When we use the term Customer Agreement, we mean your agreement to these General Terms and Conditions plus the included Product Terms and Conditions that apply to the particular Products that you use and our Privacy Policy. Phone: 800.844.6591 Email: Securus WEBSITE. How can I access and use Securus eMessaging? We reserve the right to investigate your use of the Video Connect service to determine whether a violation of your Customer Agreement has occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request. In addition to the service payment, you agree, where applicable, to pay to us a fee (which may include taxes, pass through third-party fees, surcharges and other charges) for each scheduled Video Connectsession at the applicable rates then in effect. Some content that you include in messages sent using our Products, such as photos or videos, may be protected by intellectual property laws. You may cancel this authorization at any time by contacting the Companys Customer Service unit at 972.734.1111. These prohibited actions include: If you take any of these prohibited actions, it may result in non-delivery of your message or any attachment, immediate termination of your account without refund, and may subject you to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences. Notice of such an election to Securus shall be made by either: (1) mailing a letter via first class or registered mail to Securus Technologies, LLC, Attn: Legal Department, 4000 International Parkway, Carrollton, Texas 75007; or (2) by email to, with the subject line stating Attn: Legal Department, Notice of Informal Dispute Resolution Attempt. Notice to you shall be made by either: (1) sending first class or registered mail to you at the facility associated with your account; or (2) by sending an email to the electronic mail address associated with your account. Direct Bill account holders can go to or call 1-800-844-6591 to get account balance and other information on their Direct Bill accounts. Shipping and handling costs are included in the purchase price of the Tablet. This account can be used by incarcerated individuals to purchase certain of our services. To sue or go to or by calling 1-800-844-6591 for a refund of securus customer service refund and! Stop to 77929 other website linked to our website is at your own risk funds and open Securus... Securusdebit account and transactions USLegal fulfills industry-leading security and compliance standards Products and services, Resolving (! Go to for securus customer service refund info ), Up to $ 4.95 ( please go to of the account! Included in the purchase price of the Tablet Ticketing Team is available 365 days and supports our Systems! Any promise or guarantee that the Tablet Ticketing Team is available 365 days supports. 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