romans 8 commentary spurgeon
romans 8 commentary spurgeon
And if still another says, "I am a red-hot Methodist," answer him in the self-same way: "Christ has died." "HEIRS OF GOD, and joint heirs with Christ." To such who have preceded us we owe the purity of the Church, and to them we are debtors. And men of every kindred, and of every tribe, shall see in the face of every man, a relative allied to them by ties of blood. man, there is an answer to thy inquiry; the book cannot be opened, but God himself hath published many a page thereof. The influence of his holy religion has made abundant atonement to the world for any wrong that you ever did to it. To have anything to do with a great man is thought by some persons to be a distinguished mark of honor; to be set down in a will as co-heir with some great prince or noble would be considered indeed a great thing; but what honor is conferred on thee, believer, to be joint heir with the King of kings, the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace! We are all born God's creatures, and as such we are debtors to him; to obey him with all our body, and soul, and strength. Our first birth gave us humanity; our second birth allies us with Deity. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The liberating message of Romans 8 is that God never intended man to live the Christian life by his own efforts and in his own strength. "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," so runs our commission, Isa 40 1. "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". In verses 1-11, Paul contrasted those "who live according to the flesh" with . Let me remind you, that there is a passage in scripture which may tend very much to your edification, and help you in your examination. God the ever blessed is one, and there can be no division between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. may seem too mean to pray about. I have wished I might indulge in folly; I have wished there were no laws to restrain me; I have wished, as the fool, that there were no God." Through many troubles you have passed, but you can say, they have all been for your good. Condemn a man that is at the right hand of God! The arch enemy, the old dragon, was always nibbling at the heel of our great Michael, who has for ever crushed his head. The apostle then turns to a third source of comfort, namely, the abiding of the Holy Spirit in and with the Lord's people. The carnal mind is at all times enmity against God. But if thou scorn it, remember, thou scornest the rest of the inheritance, for they are all one and indivisible in your Father's will. I do feel that he loves me better than I love myself. that we might stamp it with truth, and that God might help us to impress upon its wings some proof that it has not flown by neglected and unheeded. "For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works, but of him that calleth; It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. Oh, if you, my dear hearers, knew the joy and peace that would come to you if you but trusted in the doctrine of substitution, you would not rest until you were able to say, "Christ was in my place, that I might stand in his place: my sins were laid on him, that his righteousness might be girded on me." He sees hosts of angels; but those hosts are the servants of his enemy. Wherefore, be confident, dear brethren, that these spiritual beings, these unseen forces, these strange and mysterious powers which you cannot fully understand, can none of them separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus your Lord. When you have been sitting on the judgment bench; there has been some favourite sin brought up, and you have, oh, let me blush to say it, you have wished to spare it, it was so near your heart, you have wished to let it live, whereas should you not as the son of God have said, "If my eye offend me, I will pluck it out and cast it from me, if my right hand offend me, I will cut it off, rather than I should in anything offend my God." Look here, this is my confession of faith; here will I hale thy brothers and thy sisters to prison, and beat them in the synagogue and compel them to blaspheme and even hunt them to death, for my breath is threatening, and my heart is as fire against Christ." Be the property much or little, we are co-heirs; if there be infinite treasures, Christ hath them, and we have them; but if there be no treasure whatever, and faith should end in disappointment, and hope in despair, the calamity which impoverishes us must also impoverish our great co-heir. Dost thou frequent his mercy-seat? In the previous chapter, Paul was writing to some who ought to have been teachers, but who needed still to be taught the first principles of the gospel; they were such babes in grace that they needed the milk of the Word, the very simplest elements of gospel truth, and not the strong meat of solid doctrine. There is only one way to successfully resist the onset of the arch-enemy; but that one way ensures certain victory. Yes, and the apostle seems to hint that this persuasion that Christ would not leave him made him aspire to a very great victory. "It is Christ that died," becomes both his sword and his shield; and when the dread conflict is over, and even while it is raging, he sings, "Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.". Veteran! Well, in the first place, there is one part of the property which we may enjoy at once. But next: why cannot we administer also to the blessed part of the glorious testament! Such a scene did not occur, but had there been any remonstrance given by men you may easily conceive that such would have been Saul's answer. Remarks upon the Catalogue of Commentaries. Oh! If this be his ardent love of the Godhead, what must his hatred thereof be? I know the world turns this into ridicule and says, "That the hypocrite loves persecution;" no, not the hypocrite, but the true believer; he feels that though the suffering must ever be painful, yet for Christ's sake, it becomes so glorious that the pain is all forgotten. At this present time, the groaning and travailing which are general throughout creation, are deeply felt among the sons of men. We shall notice in our text, first, whereunto the saints have already attained; secondly, wherein we are deficient; and thirdly, what is the state of mind of the saints in regard to the whole of the matter. A Christian's experience is like a rainbow, made up of drops of the griefs of earth, and beams of the bliss of heaven. As sure as thou art God's called child today, thy poverty shall soon be at an end, and thou shalt be rich to all the intents of bliss. The second reason a believer hath, is that CHRIST HAS RISEN AGAIN. I would put the trumpet to my lips while I preach, and sound out this one note, praying that it may be a death-blast to all accusations that can be brought against believers in Christ. It must condemn sin, for "the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good." 2. Let us now notice these four stupendous doctrines. If you are now led to repent of sin; if you will now cast yourself on the blood and righteousness of Christ, your eternal salvation shall be as sure as your present existence. What does he say upon it? He is heir of this world. HYMNS FROM "OUR OWN HYMN BOOK" 537, 553, 297. Not all the sophisms of the learned, nor all the legerdemain of the cunning, will ever be able to sweep the doctrine of election out of Holy Scripture. Fain would I picture the apostle as he appeared when he was uttering it. When thou art commanded to believe and repent, when thou art exhorted to flee from the wrath to come, the sin lies on thy own head if thou dost despise the exhortation, and reject the commandment. We are saved by hope. Brethren, we have repentance, that gem of the first water. II. "What!" Take care that you pay your debts before you spend money upon your pleasures. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.". Shall it be, I say, that integrity shall be found in heathen lands and not be found here? Prosperous professors, who do no business amid David's billows and waterspouts, may set small store by the blessed anchorage of eternal purpose and everlasting love but those who are "tossed with tempest, and not comforted, are of another mind." Paul's Desire to Depart Philippians 1:23 Stern justice swayed his spirit, and no other feeling could for a single moment make him turn aside. By an Old Member of Surrey Chapel. May God help you, and help me, to groan all our days with that kind of groaning. Here cometh one and he cries, "Thou hast been a blasphemer." The second time the Lord called him, and said, "Samuel, Samuel," and he arose again, and went to Eli, and said, "Here am I, for thou didst call me," and then it was that Eli, not Samuel, first of all perceived that the Lord had called the child. But I feel a darkness coming down over my spirit, and in the darkness there is a fiendish voice that says, "But you have committed unknown sins, sins that nobody else knows, and there have been sins which you yourself did not know. Now, when effectual calling comes into a house and singles out a man, that man will be compelled to go forth without the camp, bearing Christ's reproach. These two expressions are the great distinguishing marks whereby we are able to separate the precious from the vile, by discovering to us who are the children of God. Now the apostle adds two more expressions, "nor height, nor depth." You drank it down like sweet wine, and you could not have too much of it." Perhaps some of God's professed people will leave you; you will have to go without a solitary friend, maybe you will even be deserted by Sarah herself, and you may be a stranger in a strange land, a solitary wanderer, as all your fathers were. But I repeat it, this universal call is rejected by man; it is a call, but it is not a attended with divine force and energy of the Holy Spirit in such a degree as to make it an unconquerable call, consequently men perish, even though they have the universal call of the gospel ringing in their ears. Now Jesus by his death paid all the debt; to the utmost farthing that was due from us to God Christ did pay by his death. and that man lives. I am sure I feel, myself, the force of this word "brother," with regard to many of you. Did not they, by bitter suffering, achieve our liberty for us? The mother received that letter about an hour before she heard the news that her son was dead, and the parents write to tell me what a balm it was to their spirits that God's providence should bring their boy in here just before he was to meet his God. There is not a silent nook within the deepest forest glade where work is not going on. "We have," says the text, not "we hope and trust sometimes we have," nor yet "possibly we may have," but "we have, we know we have, we are sure we have." The other might have said, "Ah, you pretend to be a happy man, and here you are groaning." The fall of Adam was OUR fall; we fell in and with him; we were equal sufferers; it is the ruin of our own house that we lament, it is the destruction of our own city that we bemoan, when we stand and see written, in lines too plain for us to mistake their meaning, "The carnal mind" that very self-same mind which was once holiness, and has now become carnal "is enmity against God." Such guidance will the Spirit give to each of you if you will ask him to illuminate you. AMEN. Let the gospel be really felt in the mind and it will toll the knell of selfishness, it will bring down the proud from their elevated solitude, and it will restore the down-trodden to the rights of our common manhood. Everything that is and is done, worketh out some great end and purpose. The greatest piety cannot preserve a man from growing old, and although in grace, he may be "like a young cedar, fresh and green," yet the body will have its grey hairs, and the strong man will be brought to totter on the staff. ", I am anxious not to tarry over controverted matters, but to reach the subject of my sermon this morning. You went to the house of God, not to pray, but to laugh. He that will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution. If we have to toil, let us remember, this is the world's week of toil. Let the truths of Christianity work out their perfect work: and pride, bitterness, wrath, envy, and malice, must see their graves. What would you give, some of you, if you could have such a hope as this? Behold it, wonder at it, and bless God for it. To hate the all-lovely to despise the essentially good to abhor the constantly merciful to spurn the ever beneficent to scorn the kind, the gracious one; above all, to hate the God who sent his son to die for man! These are God's words; if any man doth cavil at them, let him cavil; he rejecteth the testimony of God against himself. Yet we are persuaded that he did it, and that the love of God is most clearly to be seen in the faot that he gave his Son Jesus Christ to die instead of us. So that wish and I do not think there has been a man in this world who has not had it proves that "the carnal mind is enmity against God. It is not merely that our judgment leads us in that direction, though usually the Spirit of God acts upon us by enlightening our judgment, but we often feel an unaccountable and irresistible desire rising again and again within our heart, and this so presses upon us, that we not only utter the desire before God at our ordinary times for prayer, but we feel it crying in our hearts all the day long, almost to the supplanting of all other considerations. "All things work together," for that kind of good to God's people. "Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? and he casts his eyes to heaven. The plain, simple spirit of the humble-minded Christian cries, "I am God's child." He must come out from his very dearest friends, from all his old acquaintances, from those friends with whom he used to drink, and swear, and take pleasure; he must go straight away from them all, to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. I feel that to the knee that dandled me and the breast that gave me sustenance, I owe more than I can ever pay; and to him who taught me, and led me in the paths of truth I owe so much, that I dare not speak of the tremendous weight of obligation due to him. Prayers which are the offspring of great desires, sublime aspirations, and elevated designs are surely the work of the Holy Spirit, and their power within a man is frequently so great that he cannot find expression for them. "Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved. There is nothing in man that can deserve this call; nothing in the best of men that can invite it; but God quickeneth whom he will, and when he sends that call, though it come to the vilest of the vile, down they come speedily and swiftly; they come down from the tree of their sin, and fall prostrate in penitence at the feet of Jesus Christ. "Sentimentalism!" I can recollect evil things far better than those which savor of piety. So, then, it follows that if there be any flaw in the will, so that it be not valid, if it be not rightly signed, sealed, and delivered, then it is no more valid for Christ than it is for us. Where are those words which you have added, "Whom he did foreknow to repent, to believe, and to persevere in grace?" Others will say, "It is a family of children who have no bread." You may walk the broad acres of this round globe, and never look upon a single spot that is not yours. it is a well-known truth, that if you want help you must go anywhere for it, save to your brother's house. I defy you to exhaust that topic, though you should think about it all the days of the next week, nay, though you should muse upon it till eternity commences with your soul. He looked forward with glad anticipation to the time when the wain should creak beneath the sheaves, and when the harvest home should be shouted at the door of the barn. And may the love of Jesus be with you. Now, beloved, the practical use to which I put this, I am afraid somewhat discursive, discourse of this morning is just this. That old preacher Solomon once said as much as that. Oh, wherefore art thou at enmity with him? Our sighs are sacred things; these griefs and sighs are too hallowed for us to tell abroad in the streets. So the little volume is now ready, and I shall be a happy woman if God will use it to make music in any worn and weary heart. I do not know that it is for my good that my children should be about me, like olive branches round my table, but I know that it is for my good that I should flourish in the courts of my God, and that I should be the means of winning souls from going down into the pit. If you are living in sin, you are not called; if you can still continue as you were before your pretended conversion, then it is no conversion at all; that man who is called in his drunkenness, will forsake his drunkenness; men may be called in the midst of sin, but they will not continue in it any longer. The first who takes up the believer's challenge is Satan. Ask him whether God has been once untrue to him and he will say, "No; not one good thing hath failed of all that the Lord God hath promised; all hath come to pass!" Well, whatever it may be, and the woes of the present are very many, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. I have known what it is to feel as if I could not pray about a certain matter, and yet I have been obliged to groan about it. No separation: that is the end of the chapter. There is such a thing on earth as an infallible assurance of our election. It appears from the text that this groaning is universal among the saints: there are no exceptions; to a greater or less extent we all feel it. The raising and elevation of Christ to that throne of dignity and favour, is the elevation, the acceptance, the enshrinement, the glorifying of all his people, for he is their common head, and stands as their representative. Why call him? I conclude by saying, see, my dear hearers, the absolute necessity of the Holy Spirit, for if the saints know not what they should pray for as they ought; if consecrated men and women, with Christ suffering in them, still feel their need of the instruction of the Holy Spirit, how much more do you who are not saints, and have never given yourselves up to God, require divine teaching! Why the Lord may use any words. Well, my dear brother, you up there on the topmost bough, you will not frighten me with all your heights, though I cannot get up there, and I could not stay there if I could get up so high. I believe that there have been some professors, such as Judas and Simon Magus, who have come very near to this condition, and others who are said, after a certain sort, to have believed, to have received the Holy Spirit in miraculous gifts, and to have been specially enlightened so as to have been able to teach others; but the work of grace did not affect their hearts, it did not renew their natures, it did not transform their spirits, and so it was impossible to renew them to repentance. Here is another test. The natural desires of the human frame are not in themselves sinful, but through the degeneracy of our nature, they very readily lead us into sin, and through the corruption which is in us, even the natural desires of the body become a very great source of temptation. The evil one may whisper, "If thou be the son of God." In illustrating the effectual call of grace, which is given to the predestinated ones, I must first use the picture of Lazarus. Here he is covered with the sweat and dust which he acquired by Adam's fall; there his brow shall be bright with the immortality which is conferred upon him by the resurrection of Christ. The duty of the minister is to call souls to Christ, he is to make no distinction whatever "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." II. Would you take Job's jewels, but not his dung-hill? When this fails, he never sticks at an accusation because it does not happen to be true. Does he do nothing for sinners, then? While you shall for awhile sigh for more of heaven, you shall soon come to the abodes of blessedness where sighing and sorrow shall flee away. I will make no answer to that accusation but this: "It is Christ that died." They work, in opposition to idleness. Over them all the believer triumphs. yes. he hath made us kings. Consider, then, how much thou owest to his Sovereignty! There is a secret something about the Christian of which Satan wishes to spoil him, but which is entirely out of his reach, so the saint sings, "I am persuaded that neither angels, nor principalities, nor powers can separate me from the love of Christ. It is only where God's hand has been that the vessel begins to assume the form of the model. Can it be supposed that those who are the children of the devil are nevertheless the children of God? MY brethren, what a contrast there is between the present and future estate of the child of God! Oh, that you would come and learn it! The psalmist said, "I am so troubled that I cannot I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart"; but he added, "Lord, all my desire is before thee; and my groaning is not hid from thee." My eternal destiny infinitely more concerns me than all the affairs of time. I hear a ribald song; that music of hell shall jar in my ear when gray hairs shall be upon my head. The adoption is not manifested yet, the children are not yet openly declared. I believe that the Spirit of God sometimes comes into a mysterious and marvellous contact with the spirit of man, and that at times the Spirit speaketh in the heart of man by a voice not audible to the ear, but perfectly audible to the spirit which is the subject of it. Romans 8:28 . The apostle endorses that sentiment by quoting it, and against that endorsement we can of course have no contention; but the word there used for "offspring," expresses no idea of Fatherhood in the majestic sense of the term, it is a word which might be used as appropriately for the young of animals, the young of any other creature, it has not about it the human sympathies which belong to a father and a son. Come let us at the sovereignty which has called us, and let us remember the words of the apostle, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world, to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence. Those in heaven, have, as it were, stolen there. How can I pray? "Whom he did predestinate, them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified," everyone of them. If so, methinks your heart is not in a right state. It would be a foolish pride indeed, if two prisoners in the Queen's Bench were to boast, one saying, "I owe a hundred pounds," and the other replying, "I am a greater gentleman than you are, for I owe a thousand." "We are joint heirs with Christ.". "If so be that we suffer with him, we shall also be glorified together.". This is too absurd to need an answer, for if so, horses and cows, rats and mice, snakes and flies are children of God, for they are surely creatures as well as we. We see not yet all things put under man, but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor; and in the person of Christ Jesus this day we, the men who are made in his image, have dominion over all things, being all made kings and priests unto God, and in Christ Jesus ordained to reign with him forever and ever. Oh! They said of Achilles, the greatest of the Grecian heroes, that when he was a child they fed him upon lion's marrow, and so made him brave; feed upon Christ and be Christlike. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE READ BEFORE SERMON Romans 8:16-39 ; 1 Corinthians 15:39-58 . And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the apostle doth confess, that concupiscence and lust hath of itself the nature of sin." I did not know till afterwards, when I was led to know Christ as all my salvation, and all my desire, that the Lord had called the child, for this could not have been the result of nature, it must have been the effect of grace. But Solomon did not add, that things are not what they seem. There is great sin; that we know only too well: but we also rejoice in the knowledge that there is a great atonement to cover all our sin, "For it is Christ that died. He died for his murderers, for those that mocked and insulted him; for he commanded his disciples to begin preaching the gospel at Jerusalem, where they crucified him, to preach it even to those who had hounded him to his doom. And now, it may be, some of you are convinced of sin, by the Holy Spirit. That will be the subject of this blog. Is that the reason? The snake with its azure hues, may slumber amid the flowers, and the child may stroke its slimy back, but it is a serpent still; it does not change its nature, though it is dormant. Remember how much thou owest to his disinterested love, which rent his own Son from his bosom that he might die for thee! Now, if I understand the passage before us, it means this. But while I have thus mentioned some of the different classes to whom we are debtors, I have not yet come to the point on which I desire to press your attention. We are apt to think that the motion of the world and the different evolutions of the stars are but like the turning round of a child's windmill; they produce nothing. Beloved, are ye brothers of Christ, and do ye think that ye owe him no love? Saul was anointed to be king when he was seeking his father's asses; and many a man has been called when he has been seeking his own lust, but he will leave the asses, and leave the lust, when once he is called. "He had not persecuted Christ," you say, "it was only some poor men and women that he had haled to prison, or scourged in the synagogue, to compel them to blaspheme." Now, first, brethren, as co-heirs with Christ, we are heirs of God so the text tells us. (+44) 01236 827 978. Yet one more remark before we leave this point. My spiritual distress robs me of the power to pour out my heart before my God. The physician," says he, "prescribes medicine; you go to the chemist, and he makes it up; there is something taken from this drawer, something from that phial, something from that shelf: any one of those ingredients, it is very possible, would be a deadly poison, and kill you outright, if you should take it separately, but he puts one into the mortar, and then another, and then another, and when he has worked them all up with his pestle, and has made a compound, he gives them all to you as a whole, and together they work for your good, but any one of the ingredients might either have operated fatally, or in a manner detrimental to your health." "Begotten not made," says the Athanasian Creed, and it says truly too, "being of one substance with the Father." You have continued in it, and persisted in it." "He was tempted in all points like as we are." Oh, yes, I am sure ye ought. Debts of honor, as we call them which are no debts in some men's eyes we can discharge; but the great and solemn debt we owe to God is ofttimes passed by, neglected and forgotten. What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory. Our little debts we can pay. I trust that even while I am speaking this morning, Christ may speak with me, and some word that may fall from my lips, unpremeditated and almost without design, shall be sent of God as a message of life unto some dead and corrupt heart here, and some man who has lived in sin hitherto, shall now live to righteousness, and live to Christ. That was his triumphant entry. Now I must come to the third point, upon which with brevity. Has been that the vessel begins to assume the form of the first place, there is such thing! 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