virginia beach zoning setback requirements
virginia beach zoning setback requirements
With the exception of City-owned rights-of-way, all of the land in Virginia Beach has a designated Zoning District. SANDBRIDGE SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT, Chapter 35.3. Construction will begin soon. Amendments to City Code, including the Zoning Ordinance, are usually included within two months of City Council approval. 1-35. "The word 'hardship' is a nice word," Newcomb said, but "the state law is very clear the hardship is derived from the land.". Learn more Frequently Asked Questions Beginning on February 1, 2018, Zoning PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS, Article 13. Sec. BZAs benefit the citizens, property values and a community's safety, he said. To take advantage of the flexibility provided under Open Space Cluster Developments, between 50%-80%of the development (depending on zoning) must be placed in a conservation easement. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, Chapter 15. Theres a $400 application and advertising fee for residential applications and a $500 application and advertising fee for all commercial applications. Preservation of noteworthy features. front setback is from the right-of-way of the road. April. Filing through his paperwork, Waller said he understands the need for the laws, the process. Residential plan review takes approximately 10 business days to complete for any new construction. To apply for a permit or to request inspections, register and create a user account on the citys Citizen Access System. No. Water quality design criteria requirements. There is no traffic generated beyond what would normally be expected in the neighborhood. Appeals from decisions of administrative officers. Disabled Veterans Personal Property Tax Relief, Military Personal Property & Vehicle Registration Exemption, Economic Development Small Business/SWaM, Emergency Communications & Citizen Services, Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, Document Library - Plans, Studies & Guidelines. Nature of rights acquired; repurchases; exchanges. "We don't really get a large amount of people asking for forgiveness" in Norfolk, Newcomb said. Register and create a user account through Virginia Beachs Citizen Access System. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS Article 5. The Board of Zoning Appeals is a seven-member body appointed by the City Council to review variance requests to the Zoning Ordinance and appeals of decisions of the zoning administrator. outside of the USBC (zoning, health department, land disturbance, flood hazard area, HOA's, etc.). ZONING ORDINANCE Article 1. Nonconforming buildings and structures. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL DISTRICT, Article 16. MOTOR VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC CODE, Chapter 25. 2.3. For example, earlier this month at a BZA public hearing, a Larkspur resident told the board he had already spent $9,000 to build an enclosed addition to store his tropical plants in the winter. Sec. 1-6. Virginia Beach, Virginia A zoning permit is not required for a shed under 256 square feet. Copyright 2023 by eLaws. "oX?BmZ;DO0II]E'`Kl,]Z. Please note that if the shed is greater than 256 square feet or if the fence is taller than 6 feet, a building permit is required. If you are unsure which zoning district your property is in, follow the instructions at If a fence is within 10 feet of the right-of-way. 4 0 obj Residential Setbacks. View more detailed information about PSC's. chain link, wrought iron, picket, etc.) Some easements may require permission from your homeowner's association or utility company before commencing work. For therepair, replacement, or reconstruction of a fence or wall that involves more than 50% of the existing fence or wall. endobj The structure cannot exceed the height of the house. There is no change in the outside appearance of the home or lot and no noise that can be heard from the street or neighboring property. Stormwater pollution prevention plan; content of plan. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 2. "I must say, they were sympathetic," said Waller, a retired architect with Waller, Todd & Sadler in Virginia Beach. 2 0 obj Submit a fence permit online through the citys Citizen Access System. See Section 203(d) (Commercial Vehicular Parking) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance of theVirginia Beach City Code. 500. <> Virginia Beach has a reliable water supply that's in full compliance with federal and state standards, and it responds to water and sanitary sewer emergencies 24 hours a day. Home Based Businesses/OccupationsHome based businesses are allowed under the following circumstances without a Conditional Use Permit: The business use of the home is clearly incidental and subordinate to the residential use of the home. Can I park my commercial vehicle at my residence? The location of the fence depends on several factors including the zoning district that you reside and the exact delineation of your property line. Southern Rivers Watershed Management Plan. Class A, B, or C contractors licensed in the state of Virginia may only obtain permits within their respective trade. The business must be located only in the principal structure on the lot (cannot be located in an accessory structure unless a Conditional Use Permit is approved). Building plans are copyrighted and are therefore public information for viewing purposes only. (Ord. Failure to notify Miss Utility could make you liable if you damage a utility line. It was a surprise for Waller not only because he didn't think he needed one for this project, but because he had spent years on the board and thought he knew the rules. Instead, visit 1-19. If a contractor is involved, the contractor should get the permit. What type of permit is required for a gas line? 3 0 obj In Suffolk, the BZA agenda is lighter - averaging one a month, according to Patricia Southard, the city's zoning administrator. Virginia Beach BZA chairman Alcaraz agreed. PRECIOUS METAL AND GEM DEALERS, Chapter 30. BZAs benefit the citizens, property values and a community's safety, he said. Quick Reference for Zoning and Subdivision, How can I look up information in the Zoning Ordinance? Some easements may require permission from your homeowner's association or utility company before commencing work. Administrative Departments Generally, Chapter 7. HOTELS AND SIMILAR ESTABLISHMENTS, Chapter 16. Installation of improvements; inspections. No. Any locality may by ordinance regulate the building of houses in the locality including the adoption of off-street parking requirements, minimum setbacks and side yards and the establishment of minimum lot sizes. 1931, 10-23-89; Ord. Any problems will also be noted. If a Conditional Use Permit is required, contact the Planning Department at (757) 385-4621 and ask to speak to a Current Planner ordownload theConditional Use Permit Application Packageand read about the application process.Don't forget to get your business license.For more detailed information on home businesses/occupations, see "Accessory Activities Operated for Profit in a Residential Dwelling" in Section 501(b)(5); the definition of "Home Occupation" in Section 111 (Definitions); and Section 234 (Conditional Uses and Structures: Home Occupations) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance of theVirginia Beach City Codeor contact the Zoning Office at (757) 385-8074. In some cases, a property owner or tenant may be allowed to obtain the permit if approved by Planning & Community Developments Division of Permits & Inspections. See for details. Summary: T his Technical Bulletins supersedes Technical Memorandum 10-02 concerning compliance with the minimum yard and location requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (setback certifications) which was issued on February 3, 2010. Code Enforcement handles complaints on private property only relating to exterior property maintenance and building maintenance; graffiti abatement; unsafe equipment/structures; hoarding; parking restrictions; deck, balcony, and porch safety; swimming pool safety; and rental inspections. Minimum standards and specifications required. That's where a zoning administrator and the board of zoning appeals come in. Think Chicago and San Francisco. State and city codes regarding building and property maintenance are designed to keep the places you live, work, and play safe and attractive. Do have different requirements. Recreational uses. Resubmittals shall include the entire resubmittal bundle including all of the requested items, address, and permit tracking number, or the plans will not be resubmitted for review. In a 6-1 vote, the board denied Chesson's request, which means he must tear down the addition or appeal the decision within 30 days to Virginia Beach Circuit Court. The person operating the business lives in the home. 2023 City of Virginia Beach. Building plans, site plans, and property surveys for residential new construction, additions, garages, sheds, decks, fences, pools, and driveways; and commercial new construction, additions, fences, decks, and alterations, are kept on file during construction. Scroll down the left frame to Appendix A Zoning Ordinance. Unlike Waller, who postponed building for nearly three months to make sure he legally had what was needed from the city to build, some start - and finish - construction without the proper dispensations. State help for homeowners experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. Find assessment and service information for residential, commercial and agricultural properties. For those who deal with these special cases day in and day out, they say people should be safe than sorry and come to your respective city's zoning administrator to go over the plans and figure out what you need to do to complete the job before it's too late. SOIL REMOVAL, OTHER LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITIES, Chapter 32.5. Amendments to City Code, including the Zoning Ordinance, are usually included within two months of City Councilapproval. 7.3. Waller, an architect, received approval from the Virginia Beach Board of Zoning appeals due, in part, to his knowledge of the rules and regulations of making changes to his property. The city said he couldn't get a building permit until he got a special OK for the project from the Virginia Beach Board of Zoning Appeals. 2023 City of Virginia Beach. Certain documentation is required to apply for a building permit. By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our. Please refer to the Plan Submittal Checklist. 1-28. When sale or transfer of land by reference to plat prohibited. the Library of Virginias records management, Installation of wiring and equipment that operates at less than 50 volts, Construction of detached sheds less than 250 square feet of building area and requiring no electrical wiring or equipment, Tents and air-supported structures that cover an area of 900 square feet or less, Fire protection: ordinary repairs or direct replacement of minor components with like equipment, Residential plumbing and electrical fixtures, fixture fittings or appliances, including electric water heaters, Residential fans, humidifiers, air cleaners, and similar mechanical equipment, Windows and doors with those of similar capacity in the same location in one- and two-family dwellings, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums, Provide a copy of Class A, B, or C state contractor's license, Provide a copy of the master tradesman cards for everyone in the company who is authorized to sign permit applications as a master for that trade, Copy of the master tradesman cards for everyone in the company who is authorized to sign permit applications as a master for that trade, Copy of a signed contract with the customer showing charges less than $1,000 (a receipt of a paid invoice will suffice), 2018 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC), 2018 Virginia Amusement Device Regulations, 2018 Virginia Industrialized Building Safety Regulations. NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICTS, Article 2. Article III. 7.7. Plans and specifications for general improvements. Please enable scripts and reload this page. For further clarification, please contact Zoning at 757-664-6588. Programs that can help make fixing up your home more affordable. The following businesses are specifically not permitted in the home: convalescent or nursing homes, tourist homes, massage or tattoo parlors, body piercing establishments, radio or television repair shops, and auto repair shops.Some home businesses require a Conditional Use Permit. Unlike receiving a parking ticket, which must be fought in court, a zoning violation ticket of sorts can be appealed within 30 days to the BZA, Newcomb said. See Section 501 (Use Regulations) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance of theVirginia Beach City Code. The Agricultural Districts shall consist of: CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, Chapter 7. Local Zoning Ordinances AICUZ Noise Zones Fl ood Zone Map - Select "Flood Zones" under Services & Layers: Toggle "Flood Zones - Effective Jan 16 2015" to On. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Article 6. Speak to recruitment advertising specialist, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Stormwater management plan; content of plan. Sec. PRESERVATION DISTRICT Article 4. Waller, like many other folks in Hampton Roads, begin work on their homes - whether it's an addition, a new fence, a shed or even a deck - and don't know they might be going against the parameters of the zoning laws established to govern land use in their particular city. - Building-mounted antennas, small wireless facilities and temporary communication towers. When someone comes in to apply for a variance, they are asked a series of questions which should explain whether their property meets the requirements for an OK, Newcomb said. Whenever a fence is within 30 feet of, and substantially parallel to, any public right-of-way. SPECIAL REGULATIONS IN AIR INSTALLATIONS COMPATIBLE USE ZONES (AICUZ), Article 20. Not all acreage and setback requirements are included on this page. The Certificate of Occupancy fee is $75; typically, it is included in the building permit fee. A registered contractor is required to perform all work on a commercial property and must obtain the permit and schedule all required inspections. - PRESERVATION DISTRICT ARTICLE 4. Copies of updated licenses should be provided to Permits & Inspections so that all records are current, which will help prevent delays when submitting applications for permits. 205. 7.8. Consideration and action by city agent. Get covered for flood damage before natural disaster strikes. "We're friendly; we'll help you meet the rules.". "Our board is pretty tight," she said. OFFICE DISTRICTS Article 9. BUSINESS DISTRICTS Please contact Zoning at 757-664-6588 to verify setbacks for a specific property and structure. Sec. Portable Storage Containers -Effective June 1, 2005 the City of Virginia Beach will require all Portable Storage Containers (PSC's) to have a permit. An application can be completed electronically via an online portal at Permits & Inspections will only have building and site plans or surveys on file if they were submitted for a permit within the last three years. Landscape, Screening and Buffering Specifications and Standards. Among South Hampton Roads' five cities, a board of zoning appeals deals with items that fall outside land-use laws. Zoning Ordinance -To view the complete Zoning Ordinance online, go to theVirginia Beach City Codeon the Municipal Code Corporation web site. Public acceptance of improvements or proposed dedications. 9. Review of applications by commission. A copy of a physical survey or site plan drawn to scale. Back at Waller's Atlantic Avenue abode, the attic space remains untouched. What are the typical setbacks for residential properties? 206. These districts are defined by the City's Zoning Ordinance, which outlines regulations applicable to each district.Regulations include minimum yard requirements (or building setbacks), landscaping requirements, and allowable land uses. When is landscaping required? 1 0 obj GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO ALL DISTRICTS Article 3. Plans are the property of the City of Virginia Beach, the architect and/or engineer of record, and the contractor. 501. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The Permits & Inspections division also administers regulations to the Department of Environmental Quality Stormwater and Erosion and Sediment Control for private development and franchise utilities. All rights reserved. Any shed under 150 square feet with an eve height less than 8', the setbacks range from 5' to 20' feet from the side property lines and range 20' to 30' for front property lines. Special tax rates for qualified residential & commercial projects. HOUSING AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE CODE, Chapter 21. The application review can take up to 60 days and it can be two to three months for a hearing date. With the exception of City-owned rights-of-way, all of the land in Virginia Beach has a designated Zoning District. Resources and programs for people looking for affordable housing opportunities in the city. 7.1. % Residential projects: building permits are required to remove drywall, construct new partition walls or bearing walls, relocate walls, install new framing, change the roof pitch, construct decks, build room additions, screen porches, cover porches, build any accessory structure over 256 square feet, install pre-manufactured carports, install above ground swimming pools deeper than 2 feet, install hot tubs/spas, and construct masonry walls with a footing. - Portable storage containers. Check out the latest entertainment and arts news, then plan your weekend with a look ahead at what's happening around Hampton Roads. Public Works Design Standards Manual. Short-term mortgage assistance, home repair grants and loans, residential pattern book, tips before you renovate and more. What kind of sign can I put up for my business to advertise a special event like a grand opening or special sale? A property owner may choose to perform the work and obtain a permit themselves; but will also need to submit an affidavit accepting responsibility for all work performed under the permit. : 18-01. 105. For example, requirements are not included for somedevelopment at Bryce Mountain. You may obtain a sign permit by contacting Kevin Hershberger at (757) 385-8074.Any temporary signs other than those specified above are illegal. Commercial projects: building permits are required to remove drywall, construct new partition walls or bearing walls, relocate walls, install new framing, re-roof, side or cover exterior walls, complete tenant build-outs, complete change in use, obtain a change in occupancy, build additions, construct commercial accessory structures, install fences taller than 6 feet in height, install fire suppression equipment, install 5 foot run-ins, elevators, install paint booths, construct service station islands and canopies, and install pre-manufactured steel buildings. How long does commercial plan review take? Like other zoning administrators, Southard asked that people come in and talk about what they're proposing before doing any work. (b) Bay windows and chimneys, not to exceed two feet. have been submitted to Permits & Inspections. A state contractor's license is renewed every two years, and a city business license is renewed annually. 9. Long-term maintenance of permanent stormwater facilities. No registration is required to view information, however. APARTMENT DISTRICTS Article 7. Property owners may obtain a building permit to construct a new house for their occupancy; however, only one house may be built by a property owner in 24 months. . Overseeingregulations of the use of land and the placement of structures on the land. Setbacks-the distance by which a building must be "set back" from the lines of front, side and rear lots, as well as from the street-determine the placement of a building on a lot. COVID-19 Vaccine: General Vaccine Information, HR - EW&P - MyLife MyPlan Rewards Program, Human Services - Homelessness - Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team (NEST), Human Services - Real Estate Tax Relief Program, Information Technology - Cable Television Policy & Administration, Norfolk Animal Care Center - Licensing Your Pet, Norfolk Community Service Board Consumer's Corner, Parking - Merchant Discount Validation Program, SevenVenues Event Services - Expressive Activity Permit. What are the typical setbacks for residential properties? 5. (a) In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this ordinance, the following districts are hereby established: (1) Preservation District. farm pond or fish ponds within the required setback area will not . Unlike receiving a parking ticket, which must be fought in court, a. 1-15. may be up to 4 feet tall. These districts are defined in the City of Virginia Beach's Zoning Ordinance which describes the regulations applicable to each district. x]r7}Wf11E=&E+-.2Z3/\$t%.U 8I$2qB?zomw~G?nyfEVuK>x} m?_>8?.NcK7[fe5mMz^_~>R.njXfwoVquL$\U6y$QD:Rv\t8+5iXTyQguIs|j" HB HWC0)kPjYkjY _ *@*U<=GtMr}DWjnWu|"'g}yq&.mH2l1i(iexb3U2ohFLtE#>|g0myx9vdnvh`1Q-%cp:C: *+_*2EJSf?#(ims"J-Fjuz endobj Submit a Board of Zoning Appeals application to the Department of Planning and Community Development in person or online. 2130, . Stormwater management program established. 1-7. Review of stormwater management plans. Is it high? Performance bond in lieu of installation. Find assessment and service information for residential applications and a community & # x27 ; s,. Copyrighted and are therefore public information for residential, commercial and agricultural properties virginia beach zoning setback requirements City business license is renewed.... 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