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california department of consumer affairs organizational chart

california department of consumer affairs organizational chart

In addition, we recommend that the Legislature approve the funding on a three-year basis (rather than on an ongoing basis as proposed by the Governor). Subscribe to DCA Regulations mailing list to get updates to your email inbox or mailbox. California State Department of Consumer Affairs Homepage is designed to help Californians become informed consumers by learning their rights and protection., portal. California Department of Consumer Affairs Website: California Department of Consumer Affairs ; Email: Phone Number: 916-445-1254. California Department of Consumer Affairs, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, California Board of Chiropractic Examiners, California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, California Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, California Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind, California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, California Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine, California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, California Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers, California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, California Contractors State License Board, California Landscape Architects Technical Committee, "Bureau of Security and Investigative Services", Title 16 Professional and Vocational Regulations, Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission,, Articles with a promotional tone from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 23:37. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. hZmOI+qW'fEZ!H$w Learn more about your rights as a consumer and how to spot and avoid scams. She previously served as the Director of Policy and Senior Policy Advisor for San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg from 2017-2020, where she worked on policy initiatives and community engagement efforts focused on affordable housing, homelessness, comprehensive planning and equitable development. Lila Mirrashidi is the Deputy Secretary of Business and Consumer Relations, where she works closely with BCSH departments that oversee the alcoholic beverage industry, the cannabis industry, horse racing and the licensing of more than 250 types of professionals. Forgot User ID? %PDF-1.7 % hbbd```b`` "7HxDb R:D"3@0"ecA$#{@X"@d@-XdBLBf,LIAI`LL$%GIjsGe% + endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 308 0 obj <>stream Although DCA is working with these boards and bureaus to bring their funds into balance (such as through annual savings or fee increases through the regulatory or legislative process), additional expenditures that are passed to the boards and bureaus through the pro rata place additional pressure on these funds. As described below, DCA provides certain centralized services to its boards and bureaus, including human resources, fiscal and budgeting, as well as legal services. Most licensees will see an $18 CURES Fee due to the biennial renewal cycle. These units provide legal services to the Department's Executive staff and to all DCA entities. She was selected as a Blum Service-Learning Fellow and worked for Movida Maya, a nonprofit in Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, where she developed a logic model for the organization and led health and environmental sustainability workshops for indigenous youth. Business. 2069 0 obj <>stream Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at] . We enforce federal competition and consumer protection laws that prevent anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices. Kimberly Kirchmeyer Director. Prior to his appointment, Thomas managed BAR's Enforcement Operations Branch. The Office of Information Services directs and manages information technology for all of DCA. Melinda Grant was appointed Undersecretary at the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency in January 2019. She was Senior Policy Advisorat theU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development from 2015 to 2017. The Legal Division includes the Legal Office, the Legal Services Unit, and the Administrative Unit. N:^Z!B!FZ7$& E)i),ZT#|P]<6:#l$ Smog Check Station a registered ARD that is licensed to inspect and/or diagnose and repair vehicles in the Smog Check Program. She has also worked at Shelter Partnership, a nonprofit focused on public policy and advocacy related to homelessness and affordable housing, and for the World Banks Poverty Alleviation, Health Services and Social Development sectors. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. California Department of Consumer Affairs Leadership . Patrick Dorais was appointed by Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. effective November 8, 2013. The California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is a unique and dynamic department made up of 36 different boards, bureaus, a committee, a commission, and a program that license and regulate more than 3.4 million licensees in more than 280 license types including certificates, registrations, and permits. CalHFA supports the needs of renters and homebuyers by providing financing and programs so more low and moderate-income Californians have a place to call home. History of CDSS Chelsy Alfaro is an Executive Capital Fellow at BCSH for the Center for California Studies at California State University, Sacramento. In 2021, gross margins for Medicare Advantage plans were substantially higher than those seen in the individual ($745 per enrollee), fully insured group ($689 per enrollee), and Medicaid managed . Licenses brake and lamp stations and adjusters. She earned her Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Riverside and wrote her thesis on increasing housing capacity in the Inland Empire using Senate Bill 10 (2021). She had previously been Deputy Commissioner of DBOs Legal Division, and prior to that served as Deputy Commissioner of Business Regulations at the Department of Corporations. There are three Smog Check station license types. The Civil Rights Department (CRD) is the state agency charged with enforcing Californias civil rights. It employs 6-10 people and has $5M-$10M of revenue. The Legislative and Regulatory Review Division serves as the department's resource on legislative, policy, and regulatory matters, representing DCA's positions on these matters before the Legislature. Many investigations are initiated as a result of complaints from consumers. The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) fee will decrease from $11 to $9 annually for licenses expiring on and after July 1, 2023. The Department of Investigation (DOI) was established in 1961 to assist the DCA in achieving its consumer protection goal by investigating alleged infractions of California laws, regulations, and professional standards. DCA Oversees Boards, Bureaus, and Other Entities. Across the globe, we serve our fellow citizens during some of their most important moments - births, adoptions, medical emergencies, deaths, arrests, and disasters. Our mission is protecting consumers and competition by preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices through law enforcement, advocacy, and education without unduly burdening legitimate business activity. Tad Egawa was appointed General Counsel at the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency in January 2019. The site is secure. Human Resources provides human resources support for DCA employees. Find the resources you need to understand how consumer protection law impacts your business. Click here for more resources. Use our visualizations to explore scam and fraud trends in your state based on reports from consumers like you. The Governor's budget for 2023-24 proposes $1.2 million annually from the pro rata and seven permanent positions to permanently fund OIO's operations. Office of Financial Technology Innovation, VacantDeputy CommissionerConsumer Services, Marchael KellyDeputy CommissionerSupervision and Registration of New Covered Persons, J. Elizabeth SmithDeputy CommissionerCommunications, Mary Ann SmithDeputy CommissionerEnforcement, Melinda LeeDeputy CommissionerDebt Collector Licensing, Mona ElsheikhDeputy CommissionerFinancial Services, Robert VenchiaruttiDeputy CommissionerMoney Transmitters, Sheila OliverDeputy CommissionerMortgage Lending Office, One Sansome Street, Suite 600San Francisco, CA 94104-4428, 300 S. Spring Street, Suite 15513Los Angeles, CA 90013-1259(213) 897-2085(866) 275-2677, 320 West 4th Street, Suite 750Los Angeles, CA 90013-2344(213) 576-7500(866) 275-2677, 1455 Frazee Road, Suite 315 Practitioner's Workflows, How-To Guides, Strategy Notes, Charts, Checklists, and annotated Sample Documents empower you to complete even unfamiliar tasks with skill and . The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) provides protection to consumers and services to businesses engaged in financial transactions. Sonia Rangel is an Senior External Affairs Manager for the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency. This page contains a printable organizational chart for the Bureau of Consumer Protection. BreEZe is DCA's licensing and enforcement system and a one-stop shop for consumers, licensees and applicants! Licenses Smog Check stations, repair technicians, and inspectors. The Administrative Unit provides in-house counsel to the department's administrative divisions and Division of Investigation and represents DCA before the State Personnel Board and the Department of Personnel Administration. See Full Org Chart. Enterprise Project Services provides project management assistance, control agency liaison services, oversees the OIS change management and release process, manages the BreEZe project that will replace the DCA legacy systems, and is implementing IT Governance. The Consumer Affairs Act was passed in 1970, giving the department its current name. At all relevant times, Nova Tech Ltd. a/k/a NovaTech, Ltd. is and was a business A thriving and equitable California where people have access to safe and affordable housing, consumers are protected, and civil rights are safeguarded. However, OIO has not quantified how, if at all, examples like these have translated into measurable net benefits or net cost savings. The Office of Publications, Design & Editing designs, edits, updates, and distributes more than 200 consumer publications, newsletters, and reports produced by DCA's various entities and by its Executive Office. Expedited Licensure for Refugees, Asylees, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas, Refugees, Asylees, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas who apply for licensure by DCA boards and bureaus may seek an expedited licensure process. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The California Department of Consumer Affairs ( DCA) is a department within the California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency. The company is headquartered in Sacramento, . OIO Leads Business Modernization and Process Improvement Efforts. Analyze, draft, negotiate . DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Kimberly Kirchmeyer Director VICTIM COMPENSATION BOARD Lynda Gledhill Executive Officer TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM Jack Ehnes Legal Office lawyers provide legal analysis and opinions on laws, issues, proposed legislation, government contracts, employer-employee matters, the Open Meetings Act, the Public Records Act, and the Information Practices Act. As chief information officer, he sets Agencys direction for information technology and coordinates infrastructure and service delivery across the Agency. Brian graduated from the California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Science in Business. Welcome to the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) BreEZe Online Services. He has also worked as a spokesperson at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and as the local Morning Edition host/producer at Capital Public Radio. Organization Chart. Deputy Commissioner As deputy chief, Janssen oversees BARs Licensing, Records Management, and Program Support Branch; Administration Branch; and Consumer Assistance Program. The fee is assessed at the time of license renewal on licensees that prescribe, order, administer, or furnish Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V controlled substances. Together, DCA protects and serves consumers in many ways: DCA is committed to supporting the core mission of consumer protection, which is shared by all its boards and bureaus. BreEZe is DCA's licensing and enforcement system and a one-stop shop for consumers, licensees and applicants! Russ Heimerich was appointed by Governor Brown as Deputy Secretary of Communications for the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency in September 2015. There are currently more than 2.4 million practitioners licensed by the DCA. 1775 0 obj <> endobj She has also served as Senior Deputy for Homelessness and Mental Health in Los Angeles County, where she supported efforts in 2017 to pass Measure H, which funds housing and services to prevent and end homelessness in Los Angeles. Helps to keep Californias air clean by reducing air pollution produced by motor vehicles. M#}GZm!ev^X52H10d0\`\@lxLhe[ We work to advance government policies that protect consumers and promote competition. He served as deputy chief at the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board in 2007 and at the California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education from 2004 to 2007. Jan 2010 - Apr 20155 years 4 months. OIOs current services to the boards, bureaus, and the department are similar to that of the Organizational Change Management unit. ~0!=H'd\5~gTRNHB;w)7BCVBMZ"Xa8"XVIA)D@PJ6Ma6PX[GV'0*7 5OG?0 p' !V@iac 05/lm&ZRM@3;),@fqZXeuYa#TP fq^X2 d@%NEZ QYGriX^.p3.%+r^xYgO &0>J{A Online application and index of positions available for Board & Commission appointments. The proposed level of resources represents an increase of $294,000 and two positions from the authorized current-year levels. Vacant. DCA provides the public with live telephone assistance in more than 170 languages for consumer-related questions and concerns. We also recommend that the Legislature require OIO to quantify how its work has generated benefits and savings at the boards and bureaus and report these results to the Legislature by January 10, 2026. He has been with Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH) since 2017. Prior to joining BCSH, she worked for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) formerly the Board of Equalization. Online application and index of positions available for Board & Commission appointments. Unclear if OIO Efforts Have Led to Measurable Benefits and Savings. The Consumer information Center is DCA's information resource center for consumers and licensees. This would provide another opportunity for the Legislature to monitor the outcomes of OIO to ensure it is improving the efficiency and the operations of the boards and bureaus. Fees paid by these licensees fund DCA operations almost exclusively. The new DCA logo represents the next chapter and future of the Department, accompanied by a new strategic plan. 1500. TTY: 1-800-326-2297. Funding for Permanent OIO Staff and Operations. Before joining BCSH, he served in various roles within the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) from 2009 to 2020, including Budget Manager. For the complete list, see the Departments Licensees page. Jason Piccione was appointed in December 2020 as Agency Chief Information Officer. These professionals provide a wide range of support services including human resources, information technology, investigations, professional examinations, training, strategic planning, budgeting, and more. Lila earned a law degree from the University of California Hastings College of Law, and a bachelors degree in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. BreEZe enables consumers to verify a professional license and file a consumer complaint. OIO indicates that the proposed increase in positions would allow the office to return to its previous approach and take on additional special projects. Serve Californians by effectively overseeing financial service providers; enforcing laws and regulations; promoting innovationand fair and honest business practices; enhancing consumer awareness; and protecting consumers by preventing potential marketplace risks, fraud, and abuse. Deborah Hoffman. Click here for more resources. BreEZe enables consumers to verify a professional license and file a consumer complaint. Moreover, OIOs projected outcomes with the proposed increase in positions and expenditures are largely similar to its outcomes with the current authorized level. State of California Department of Veterans Affairs December 31, 2022. It consists of Business Services, Human Resources, and Fiscal Operations. Executive Branch Organizational Chart 9.20.22,,, The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) protects California consumers by licensing and regulating the state's construction industry. California HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez and BCSH Deputy Secretary Dhakshike Wickrema participated in a tour of Avenida, made possible by Homekey. The mission of the CRD is to protect the people of California from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, businesses, and state-funded programs, and from bias-motivated violence and human trafficking. Share your feedback. Hearing Impaired: 800-326-2297. On January 3, 2023, the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) will transition to a new logo. Brochures Sexual Harassment Brochure How to File: Complaint process The Division monitors and analyzes legislative bills on consumer issues, reviews proposed regulation packages, and provides substantive policy consultation and review on myriad issues throughout DCA and its entities. Within the DOI is the Special Operations Unit which is responsible for workplace security and employee safety at DCA. BCSH Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramrez and BCSH Deputy Secretary Sasha Kergan met with US Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo and community members in Compton, CA, regarding opportunities to leverage state and federal funding to assist renters, expand homeownership and accelerate affordable housing construction. The California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is a department within the California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency. It is the only entity within DCA that employs investigators who are designated peace officers. Barstow SNF Administrator. Responsible for the Internal Affairs investigative programs and OIA policy and procedures. Egawa was assistant general counsel at the Ryland Group Inc. from 2004 to 2007 and an associate at Jeffer, Mangels, Butler and Marmaro LLP from 1999 to 2004, at Tuttle and Taylor from 1998 to 1999 and at Sheppard, Mullin, Richter and Hampton LLP from 1996 to 1997. Ask a Bureau employee to be involved in a forum, publication, discussion, or other event; or to inquire about any Bureau events. Linda Janssen was appointed on August 2, 2021. About the Bureau of Consumer Protection. Pictured L to R: (DCA Deputy Director of Communications Monica Vargas, BCSH Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramrez, DCA Director Kimberly Kirchmeyer, DCA Deputy Director Christine Lally, DCA William Thomas & DCA Office of Information Services Deputy Director Jason Piccione). Careers in the Bureau of Consumer Protection. Structural Pest Control Board. Sacramento, California Area. Additionally, the Department licenses and regulates a variety of financial businesses, including securities brokers and dealers, investment advisers, deferred deposit (commonly known as payday loans) and certain fiduciaries and lenders. In response, OIO utilized temporary help and modified its approach to working with the department, boards, and bureaus to operate within its existing levels over the past three years. %PDF-1.7 % She was Asset Manager at the Oakland Housing Authority from 2015 to 2017. In addition to servicing 3040 interagency contracts with DCA boards, bureaus, and committees, OPES also oversees the master contract for examination administration at computer-based testing centers throughout the State. The Information Security Office establishes the IT security and data privacy policies, maintains the business continuity planning process, investigates IT security breaches, and acts as liaison to the State Information Technology Agency in matters related to the IT security of DCA. Piccione has worked more than 22 years in public service. Without such detailed information, it is difficult for the Legislature to know if the benefits or savings of OIOs current work outweigh the costs to the boards and bureaus. The Department also protects professionals from unfair competition by unlicensed practitioners. CSLB was established in 1929 and today licenses about 290,000 contractors in 44 different classifications. This is especially notable as the additional costs would be borne by the boards and bureaus, several of which have funds that are structurally imbalanced. Lamp Station a registered ARD that is licensed to test, inspect, adjust, and repair all lamps and related electrical systems on vehicles. Tiffany graduated with a bachelors degree in Sociology from California State University, Sacramento. He has also worked as a Legislative Aide for the Law Offices of Tim Yaryan, as well as a Legislative and External Affairs intern in the Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Myles graduated with honors from the University of California, Davis with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. While there, she integrated data and research into critical HCD priorities, led HCDs role in shaping the Governors Executive Order on state-owned excess sites, and actively participated as one of the leaders in the development of Homekey, which led to more than 6,000 units of permanent and interim supportive housing across the state. Tiffany Garcia is the Deputy Secretary of Fiscal Policy and Administration. Find legal resources and guidance to understand your business responsibilities and comply with the law. Look up a company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs. View Email Formats for State of California - Department of Consumer Affairs. Christina Lassiter. The Office of Administrative Services provides accounting, business, personnel, and budget services. It also manages DCA's many facilities, vehicle fleet, emergency response, and its mailroom, copying, and imaging services. Fiscal Operations provides budget, accounting, and central cashiering services. Rangel earned a bachelors degree in History with a concentration in Latin America and a minor in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. Summer Law Clerk Program. The California Department of Technology leads the state's drive to deliver clear, fast, dependable, and equitable public services. To get updates to your Email inbox or mailbox s construction industry security and safety! Operations Branch licenses Smog Check stations, repair technicians, and inspectors G.,. Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. effective November 8, 2013 also protects professionals from unfair competition by unlicensed.... Dca @ Phone Number: 916-445-1254 an $ 18 CURES Fee due to the biennial renewal cycle consumers licensees. 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