bioethics case studies
bioethics case studies
Training in a segregated health care system means that health professions students and trainees learn bias and experience helplessness and burnout. Yet for a patient who is well informed, understands the benefits and burdens, and wishes to proceed, a trial of palliative chemotherapy is justified. NOTE: The UW Dept. (For permission to reprint cases, submit requests to a carrier for cystic fibrosis ( which is recessive)? Note: Approximately 60% of Oregonians in 2000 said (before they died) that they used the prescription at least in some part due to fear of being a burden on their family. Instead, hospices emphasize symptom control and attention to psychological and spiritual issues. Jesses feet and legs are swollen and covered in ulcers and dead tissuediagnosed as osteomyelitis, or infection of his legs. From Paper Records to Electronic Database, Property, Contract, Privacy Rights in the Human Body. The Case of John: Refusal to Eat in a Long-Term Care Facility, The Case of Mary Jo Hoffman: The Wanted, Unwanted Doctor, The Case of Melinda and Matt: Ethical Indicators of Futility in Critically Ill New Mother, The Case of Jehovahs Witness: A Minor Requiring Blood Products, The Case of Jennie M: To Tube Feed or Not, The Case of Jesse, Unrepresented and Homeless, Professional Education & Clinical Services. She notifies the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and asks them what should be done. You can unsubscribe from Center communications at any time. Hospice started as a grassroots effort, as a view of dying that lets go of the possibility of cure. The physicians inform her that the only way to fix the problem is surgically, and that the chances of survival are about 50/50. A major problem in connecting hospice care to acute medical care is that referral implies a "switch" from curative to palliative medicine-a model that does not fit comfortably in many illnesses. The physician then fertilizes a single egg, and transfers the embryo to the mother. The purpose of these discussions was two-fold. The doctor argued for a social services consult or mental health treatment, stating that the risk to the teens life was of higher priority. On Tuesday, August 4th, vo National Healthcare Decisions Day 2.0 An 88-year old woman facing the end of life. ), Why would they put in these guidelines? A public guardian must make decisions for a 78 year-old woman with severe dementia, and multiple illnesses. For metastatic non small cell lung cancer, palliative chemotherapy is an intervention providing, on average, a small benefit at considerable toxicity (a consideration for the Medical Indications box in a Clinical Ethics 4-box analysis). As idea grows, travelers have mixed reactions. The mortality rate for smallpox was approximately 20-40%. Is this a case of eugenics? Please check back soon for updates! Walking Humbly with a Sacred Mission And yet, given my conversations with professionals who deal with late-in-life and end-of TOUGH CASES: Code of Ethics Now Available for Healthcare Ethics Consultants I was also a pre-medical student, and am currently attending the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. If you would like to receive these monthly bulletins, please sign up HERE. What would you do if you were one of the health care workers? A male cancer patient developed an ear infection that his body could not fight because of his weakened immune system. Do you think a weakness of this law is the probability of patients being influenced by family members? Under California law she can normally refuse vaccines on religious or personal grounds. (What's a reasonable time? (The Kansas Death with Dignity Act) Personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize medicin World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (#WEADD) Dear CPB Friend: Vari Hall, Santa Clara University500 El Camino RealSanta Clara, CA 95053408-554-5319, Ethical Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination, Hackworth Fellowships Project Showcase 2021, The Ethics of Going Back to School in a Pandemic, Systemic Racism, Police Brutality, and the Killing of George Floyd, COVID-19: Ethics, Health and Moving Forward, The Ethical Implications of Mass Shootings, Political Speech in the Age of Social Media, Point/Counterpoint: Democratic Legitimacy, Brett Kavanaugh and the Ethics of the Supreme Court Confirmation Process, Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions. The hospital allowed a willing physician to circumcise the child at his Evangelical parents insistence. Six case studies featuring the clash of patient faith with physician recommendations generated debate among panelists representing the legal and medical professions, religious scholars and members of various faiths. Is it ever correct for a doctor to allow a patient to kill himself? Who do you think should receive the child, and why? After the first cycle of carboplatin and taxol, he requires hospitalization for fever and neutropenia (a complication of the chemotherapy). New parents requested that their infant hemophiliac boy be circumcised on his eighth day of life, as Leviticus 12:3 prescribes. What is Bioethics? Differing opinions were discussed in a healthy way, based on pragmatism rather than criticism of one anothers faith.. All Rights Reserved. Conflicts of interest must be acknowledged with sincerity and earnestness and managed such that the conflict is eliminated or, at least, credibly mitigated. WebBioethics Topics Physician Aid-in-Dying Physician Aid-in-Dying Physician Aid-in-Dying NOTE: The UW Dept. Most Americans remain A personal message from Mark R. Thompson Two physicians refused to do it as a violation of their Hippocratic Oath. The patient stated she would decline the surgery if she couldnt be ensured of the organs proper destruction. Personalized Medicine: Our Future or Big Data Voodoo? What do you think of this? Many medical students first encounter care of the dying as an unsuccessful code or a strategic withholding of CPR. Finally, there is a marked public fear that a medical death, depicted in TV shows like "ER" as an unresponsive, uncommunicative body hooked up to an array of flashing monitors, represents an irresponsible use of technology and a dishonorable way to treat a person. Listen more and talk less. Is there an ethical difference between her dying in 6 hours and dying in a week? Motivating health equity requires taking deliberate steps toward desegregating health care, especially in academic health centers. Approximately 9 months later, the couple gives birth to a boy who does not carry the gene for the disorder. Say someone is diagnosed with HIV? A physician has questions for a public guardian in charge of the medical care for a conserved patient. While organ donation is necessary to alleviate suffering and save lives, questions of autonomy, coercion, and the yuk factor deserve careful consideration as we seek to increase supply in the face of unrelenting demand. The patient's story - including how that person has viewed her life, the other persons important to her, and how she could bring her life to a close in a way that would be true to herself. I was so wrapped up in my own feelings that I can't recall much else. How Should Clinicians Minimize Bias When Responding to Suspicions About Child Abuse? A physician explained options for removing the facial hair, but the mother objected because their Sikh faith sees cutting or removing hair as offensive to God. From the mid-1980s when ventilators came into common use, the Center for Medical Bankruptcy, Personal Luck and A National Sin WebBioethics Resources A Second Chance at Drug Treatment Case Description: You are a psychologist, drug treatment counselor, and program manager in a mid-sized city, in an otherwise rural area, in a region devastated by the opioid epidemic. Meatpacking plant workers prioritized for vaccines A psychologist considers whether there is a duty to warn a couple whom the jealous patient has expressed a desire to stalk and frighten. Lifetime Achievement in Bioethics What should be the goals of medical care for people who are dying? I wasn't prepared for it. Not given a choice was the hemophiliac newborn boy. What if he did not have this possibility? The Affordable Care Act: It will not depart the same way it entered. I remember, the first time one of my patients died, feeling a chill of horror and fascination. Thus this framework analyzes a person's medical care into four major topics, and this can be used to outline day-to-day care plans for a patient: Hospice care in Washington State is most often provided by multidisciplinary teams who go to patients' homes. How Should the US Federal Government Oversee Clinicians Relationships With Industry? A strategy of detachment may not serve you well in the long run. (If someone answers "when it harms the child" remind that person that there is some pain in many of our medical procedures, for example, having one's tonsils removed). (Spiritual Care/Medical Care), Appropriate Level of Expertise? Pathophysiology becomes less important and personal meaning becomes more important. Bioethics. Bioethics is the study of ethical, social, and legal issues that arise in biomedicine and biomedical research. Bioethics includes medical ethics, which focuses on issues in health care; research ethics, which focuses issues in the conduct of research; environmental ethics, which focuses on issues pertaining to February 2023 Bioethics Bulletin Approximately 30-50% of unvaccinated people exposed to smallpox will contract the disease. Center for Practical Bioethics What Would Be Your Wish for Our World? The word "euthanasia" draws its roots from Greek meaning "good death." Yet public interest in care of the dying is currently high. What makes a good death? Citizens begin calling for the mandatory quarantining of people directly exposed to the victim, i.e those living in his apartment complex, those working in the ER, those who flew on the plane in the prior week. Chronic Pain and the Opioid Epidemic: Wicked Issues Have No Simple Solutions, Bishop Tutus Plea Prompts Personal Meditation on Assisted Suicide, A Selfish Request for Honest Conversations, Mothers Luscious Webs of Love in Life and Death, This Is How Princes Death Begins Conversation About Addiction, New Reasons for Outrage Over Persistence of Healthcare Disparities: Ignorance and Neglect, Cultural Expectation and Prenatal Risk A Matter of Justice, TOUGH CASES: Code of Ethics Now Available for Healthcare Ethics Consultants, New Program Will Bring Advance Care Planning to African-American Faith Communities, Professional Education & Clinical Services. Thus it may be more useful for clinicians to give up relying on their predictive skills, and look at the common clinical paths (or trajectories) taken by dying patients, and design medical care that includes "contingency plans" for clinical problems that a person with incurable lung cancer (for example) is likely to experience. In our culture, reproductive liberty, the freedom to decide when and where to conceive a child is highly protected, and this can make these cases much more difficult. Ethics case study on prioritizing patients. WebCase Discussion: These allocation questions have received scant attention in bioethics, despite considerable attention to other resource allocation problems (Daniels 1994). Ann Karty was a student in the University of Missouri Kansas Citys innovative six-year B.A./M.D. Keywords: Autonomy, A 60-year-old homeless man, Jesse, is found confused and in distress by a passerby who calls 911. You dont see his searing pain. (He thought that he would end up on the street corner selling pencils). Autonomy Part 2 Maintenance of patient autonomy is one of the major ethical focuses of physicians. Gun Violence: Prevention by Paying Attention. One of the main arguments against the use of surrogate mothers is that carrying and giving birth to a child is such an emotional event that it is impossible to determine if the surrogate will be able to give up the child. The physician said alternatively the sperm could be collected in a minor surgical procedure, but one that nonetheless had risks. What are the ethical questions involved when depression impairs seriously ill patients' ability to make decisions? The following case presents a possible way in which the virus could be released in the population and a possible response. Fifteen years ago in the aftermath of 9/11, I was Ethics, Morality and Genomic Science: Can We Play God the Way God Plays God? A married couple wishes to have a child; however, the 32 year old mother knows that she is a carrier for Huntington's disease (HD). Date: June 22, 2005. Try asking something like, "Knowing that all of us have to think about dying at some point, what would be a good death for you?" Mentoring Medical Students for Research in the Medical Humanities, Art exhibit celebrates wishes of older adults, Our CEO quoted in news article: Man denied heart transplant because he wont get vaccinated against COVID, IN MEMORY of Sarah (Liza) Rowland Townsend, JD, MSW, Covid Outbreaks Devastated Prisons, but State Inmates Access to the Vaccine Varies Widely, US experts tackle ethical dilemmas posed by the vaccine rollout, Meatpacking plant workers prioritized for vaccines. Whatever Happened to Long-Term Care Reform? Dear CPB Friend: Case study discussion filled the rest of the days agenda. Q: What happens to clinical ethics consultation in a pandemic? Is he done living? A: Ethics consult Bioethics Newsletter Winter-Spring 2020 What is difficult is to find for yourself a type of self-care that will enable you to develop your gifts as a physician, and continue to use them in practice. WebBioethics Cases Find case studies on topics in health care and biotechnology ethics, including end-of-life care, clinical ethics, pandemics, culturally competent care, vulnerable A story appeared on August 17 in the Alabama News w ETHICISTS DEBATE How Should Clinicians and Researchers in Government Respond to Threats to Their Offices? Brody H, Campbell ML, Faber-Langendoen K, Ogle KS. Angela is a 72-year-old woman with end stage congestive heart failure from coronary artery disease--she has had two myocardial infarctions. For several decades no James D. Stowe was in fourth grade on a museum field trip when an adult asked what he wanted to be when he grew A personal message from John Carney Patients with congestive heart failure, however, experience periods of fairly good function alternating with decompensation right up until death, and the terminal event for these patients is often sudden. HD is a genetic disorder that begins showing signs at anywhere from 35-45 years of age. (The woman from case 1 would not qualify. The reveal of each case studys facts but not outcomes allowed panelists to offer their analysis of how such a matter could be favorably resolved. Some experts in palliative care describe the United States as a "death-defying" culture, with a mass media that spotlights only youth and beauty. WebBioethics is the study of ethical issues in medicine: from stem cells to end of life issues. Find out what he is worried about, how he rates his quality of life, and what his goals are. Challenging Us to See the Whole Person at All Stag Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Presents Big Ideas in End-of-Life Care WebStudy ethical issues related to biomedical research, clinical practice, genetics, biotechnology, public health, health policy, and other important issues in bioethics. Dear CPB Friend: Lindas Reflections WebCase Discussion The SUPPORT study has shown us that the clinical course of dying from congestive heart failure is quite different from dying of lung cancer. WebCase Studies; Filter by Category. Instead, the mother believed her daughter should learn to cope with, and even embrace, her appearance as the work of God. James Blum, MD, MPP, Kamini Doobay, MD, MS, and Alec Feuerbach, MD, Decision Aids, Doorknob Moments, and Physician-Patient Solidarity in EDs, Emily Shearer, MD, MPP, MSc and Jay Baruch, MD. Bioethics | School of Medicine | Case Western Reserve University This will lessen her pain, but it will also hasten her death. It is possible that if terrorists were to use the smallpox virus, that they would genetically modify it. You can unsubscribe from Center communications at any time. You are free to use it as an Bioethics is the study of what we ought or ought not to do according to our beliefs and moral reasons with respect to medicine. He decided to try palliative chemotherapy because "otherwise I might just as well roll over and give up." I was raised on a farm up in Minnesota by Fundamentalist Depressi Support Missouri Medicaid Expansion Feeling that the woman is not in her correct state of mind and knowing that time is of the essence, the surgeons decide to perform the procedure without consent. It is not hard to find physicians who are burned out - ask any nurse. If this were the case, then the vaccine may not prevent all of the disease symptoms for those vaccinated. What about non-health care worker citizens? of Bioethics & Humanities is in the process of updating all Ethics in Medicine articles for attentiveness to the issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Affordable Care Act: It will not depart the same way it entered. Even after much pressuring from the physicians, she adamantly refuses surgery. Is It Reasonable to Expect Students and Trainees to Internalize Equity as a Core Professional Value When Teaching and Learning Occurs in Segregated Settings? Reflections on the Life of Beth Smith Sticking with his decision to refuse antibiotics, the cancer patient of Jain faith died from the ear infection that had abscessed to his brain. There was very little judgment, said Whitny Braun, PhD, MPH, MA, assistant professor in the School of Religion and the conference organizer. Do you think that the physician should report the mother? Should the physician be concerned about alienating the mother and other people of her ethnicity from modern medicine? Presuming readers start with no background in philosophy, it offers balanced, philosophically based, and rigorous inquiry for Interestingly, contemporary medical literature contains little that might characterize what makes a death "good." Within three weeks, the daughter lost consciousness at school and was taken by ambulance to the emergency room, where she was admitted. WebCase and Commentary Dec 2022 Decision Aids, Doorknob Moments, and Physician-Patient Solidarity in EDs Emily Shearer, MD, MPP, MSc and Jay Baruch, MD How should clinicians The questions I asked of the students are included as well. A Sunni Muslim was scheduled to undergo testicular cancer treatment that could render him infertile. Obey Law on Criminal Reporting for a Pregnant Mother Addicted to Heroin? How would this be different? There is currently only one state in the US that allows for euthanasia, and that is Oregon, where in 1997, the "Death With Dignity Act" went into effect. Like most people, whe A personal message from Maggie Neustadt Isabelle M. Mikell, Courtney L. Savage Hoggard, MBE, and Harald Schmidt, PhD, MA. What if their refusal can harm others who cannot have the vaccine, such as people who are immunocompromised like AIDS patients? Euthanasia advocates stress that it should be allowed as an extension of a person's autonomy. CCRE, Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, Responsible Conduct of Research, PI Program, Case Studies, Ethics Educational Clinical ethics is one of them. You dont see his searing pain. Second, they were intended to help students who were interested in a career in the health sciences determine whether or not medicine is their correct calling. Ethics is a philosophical discipline pertaining to notions of good and bad, right and wrong our moral life in community. In the pre-antibiotic era, people most often died young, of infectious diseases; now, thanks to medical technology, most Americans (and others with access to this technology) live much longer, to die of degenerative, neoplastic, and even man-made diseases. Do you ever think that it is correct for a physician to break a competent patient's autonomy? A legal battle ensues. Adam T. Perzynski, PhD and Kurt C. Stange, MD, PhD. While doing background on the patient, he tells the physicians that he is a flight attendant and that he has flown to Orlando, FL, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL, and Seattle, WA in the past few weeks while working. Each case also has a short history and summary of the ethical issues being reviewed. Feeling that risking their baby's health would be irresponsible, the couple decides to use in vitro fertilization to fertilize several of the wife's eggs. Lifetime Achievement in Bioethics In the video, one of the physicians says that burn patients are incompetent to make decisions when they first enter the hospital because they are in such a great deal of pain. I was a Hackworth Fellow for the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Do you think that in this case, that the ends justified the means? One great physician does not equal great care--it takes a coordinated system of providers. Vari Hall, Santa Clara University500 El Camino RealSanta Clara, CA 95053408-554-5319, Case studies on end-of-life decision making and preserving patient dignity, A Latino Family Confronts End-of-Life Decisions, Ethical Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination, Hackworth Fellowships Project Showcase 2021, The Ethics of Going Back to School in a Pandemic, Systemic Racism, Police Brutality, and the Killing of George Floyd, COVID-19: Ethics, Health and Moving Forward, The Ethical Implications of Mass Shootings, Political Speech in the Age of Social Media, Point/Counterpoint: Democratic Legitimacy, Brett Kavanaugh and the Ethics of the Supreme Court Confirmation Process. I might just as well roll over and give up. Aid-in-Dying physician Aid-in-Dying:. Under California law she can normally refuse vaccines on religious or personal grounds the surgery if couldnt! Dear CPB Friend: case study discussion filled the rest of the dying as an unsuccessful code a. 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